Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Hi Pokemaster,

This same one user has been posting a bunch of what the community has coined "Game Freak logic" questions, which can't be answered with anything else but "ask Game Freak". I was going to tell him to avoid asking unanswerable questions like these on his wall, but I decided just to quickly make sure that this is how you want these questions to be treated.

As noted in the rules, the purpose of the site is to provide answers to answerable questions:

>PokeBase is not a traditional forum - questions should be answerable, not discussed endlessly. Please read the following rules before you start on this site.

So would there be any situation where these questions are allowed, say, for people to provide theories for answers?

"How can Hoppip and Skiploom control themselves?"

^^ This is golden. I have to sketch this now.
so should I hide my questions about the type chart and tm compatibility?
I think these questions are fine.
If PM comfirms that these questions arent allowed, will past ones be hidden?
Normally regarding the legitimacy of questions/answers, only questions after or recently before are affected by a reasoning, or at least within a reasonable space of time at the authority's discretion. I don't see a reason why this would be treated differently,  the only problem I'm seeing myself is whether they can truly be 'resolved' or not, which makes me question if they can't be excluded from the 'unanswerable questions' clause and all should be hidden under that. Though since these have been going for such a long time now (I know there's been a cluster of them lately, but they've still been around as far as I can remember), I doubt that will happen as a matter of laziness.

TL;DR: Good luck on that one, auth :P
@sumwun Editors, Mods and most importantly Pokemaster can still see hidden posts.
There are lots of questions on PokeBase that are just like these. There are many questions about why a certain Pokemon is in a certain egg group. So why was it just these ones that were hidden?
@Barbaracle the Ralts/Gardevoir one was already asked here:
I think in general the difference is: the existing questions have specific logic behind them. Asking why Inkay is Dark type is silly because there is no real reason why it shouldn't be. "It doesn't look dark" is not a reason.

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Yes that's fine.

This is sort of similar to the questions about consoles, since often people asking the questions don't know the answer is just "Game Freak logic", there could be legitimate answers. The genderless Pokemon in egg groups one is quite interesting, seems like there could be a legit answer for it.

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