Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I read this question, and I was wondering if Pokemaster was actually telling the truth. It was asked more than a year ago. Has Pokemaster been that busy? If the answer is yes, please flag or hide the post. I don't want to lose points like I did last time.

No reason to flag, hide or even downvote this question tbh, it's a genuine question. Also PM has been a little more active these days (right?)
It will probably come with the forum… when that happens…
lol i've started to not believe it'll happen.
Isn't this already enough like a forum?
The biggest issue (according to some users) in the current site model is that opinionated threads are not allowed. When a thread in Q&A has too much content, it starts to lag. Forum formats are easier for such stuff.

(Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no expert at computers :I)
Oh, and I've used several forums before, and their posts didn't take any shorter to load than posts here.

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