Meta-PokéBase Q&A
9 votes

I'm sure everyone (I think?) feels the same way about this. It just might come to an end.

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It's not dead per se, but the activity has dropped considerably. A lot of the users we recognise have left or are pretty server exclusive (which also went down a bit), but there are a lot of newer users around. And peak time still has quite the few people around. In terms of what we an do (as a community, Pm can probably do a few things): set up community events like massive, regular and consistent tournaments or special articles or guides that would drive activity. We could also do with attitude changes. A slightly more competitive focus, or perhaps a more unusual or untapped focus such as compiling both competitive and noncompetitive info about a subject to bring people up to par. Basically like our info guides but user-written and more in-depth. Also, we need to include newer users. Give them more opportunities to hang out with older users or basically do whatever they want (within reason) rather than segregating 'old' and 'new'.
I'd love to write/edit articles for the DB, I think that's one thing that it's lacking a bit.
We've tried something but it didn't go far, I'd be down to try again with support. If anyone's interested, we could get into a group chat or something and discuss stuff.
We should have a tournament thread that gets answered 24 hours before a tournament so that users get notified of events like this. It should increase participation noticeably.
Community-written articles is a fantastic idea considering PM's absence but if this were the case, I think PM would have accepted it by now. The amalgamation of 'old' and 'new' users should always be encouraged. The idea of a forum came around a year or so back, but Pokemaster encountered a problem and it hasn't really been talked about since. The DB Times was a newsletter sort of thing for the DB. It's another community-based concept that doesn't require as much competitiveness.

But all this being said, it's okay if it's less inactive than what it used to be.
Sumwun, we haven't had a tour in a while, but when we do each gets their own thread days before starting. People have plenty of time to become aware.

Inidi, there's no reason why we can't. We had official support for the first project we did (which you mentioned). We were basically going to write stuff on pirate pad or something and link it on a thread post instead of integrating it. If it went well we'd ask PM to tell people on the homepage. If forums come around that'd be awesome, but I ain't holding my breath.
Oooh, article writing seems noice :o
I'd be happy to contribute to stuff that would make DB more active.

Although, it was short the little art competitions' we did for the release of ORAS was a good idea, maybe we could attract participation  through that, or a sort of trading/breeding area.......  But with forums problem I guess it would be hard to achieve ?
Feel free to suggest a new art or writers thread. No guarantee it will be approved but nothing's stopping you from trying. Why was the first cut short anyway?
I'm totally 100% down for an art thread/competition/etc.
Agreed @ Doctor Disco.
How about hosting giveaways monthly or something ?
If people don't mind clones, we could host them to gain more interest ?
I believe it is also that no new users may ask questions on Pokébase or go on the Chat due to the email confirmation bug
Creating competitive guides would be a good idea, but about 95% of our users have no knowledge about competitive battling whatsoever. Guides would have to be created by the few people that actually do, and even then it'd just be easier to refer to something on Smogon compiled by numerous respected competitors. I agree that catering to a competitive audience would likely draw more users, but that's probably not something we could do well.
I'm not necessarily talking about huge guides and in depth tactics, just things to bring people up to speed competitively. Smogon has a habit of guiding people in specific areas within tiers within usability within tactics. These are very useful and informative...if that guide is exactly what you need to know, which often it isn't.  Smogon doesn't have many guides on, say, how to predict, or why certain types of Pokemon are used over others, or why two pokemon of the same type often isn't a good idea, or why some Pokemon are used more often than others. Things that we assume any player knows when often they don't. We can do this easily.
"or why some people are used more often than others"
^ What does this mean?
Meant to say Pokemon. Thought you had better common sense than that :P (jk)
I do, but you already said something about Pokémon in the same sentence, so I second-guessed myself. But whatever lol XD
@Arewefreshyet you had a good point. If you posted this in a separate question, I would support it.
Maybe, but I'd rather not. Time for me to pass up ideas for other people. I don't feel like  getting credit for a good idea or getting blamed for a bad one.

I don't even come close to counting myself as 'auth' or  possible auth, but I'd somewhat like to think that I'm an at least slightly respect or old blood user. I'd prefer just to take a backseat and let other people make the DB better and just support them where necessary.
So...should I do it for you?
Let Demat do it. That way if it's a terrible idea, it won't matter because it's Demat XD

(jk demat i luv yoooooooo <3)
We need to ban some scrubs and get the dramabase flowing again
Jeremiah what on earth qould that do to fix this, if anything it exacerbates the problem.
Pretty sure that was a joke.
Older name change announcement threads got more answers than the recent ones. Does that mean that DB was a lot more active a few years ago?

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Part of the inactivity is just people growing up. Pretty much all of the mods started here in High School and are now in further education or the workforce. We can't be active anymore, so we need fresh faces to become active.

We'll get a burst of activity at the next game release, so there's always that. I've seen larger periods of inactivity before.

I've been here since 2011 and have seen two CSS changes. I've seen users come and go. Fritjof, Will, DT, JCM, Spoink, Flame, Sempi, the list will continue to grow. Eventually I'll be gone too and most people won't even know who I was.

The end is inevitable. You just have to make do with what you have. It's kinda like life, you know.

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is he still active?
Yes he is
It's worth trying to stop this cycle of inactivity though :o
It's nice to know that not every assumption I make is wrong. Just 98% o3o
This is oddly depressing but incredibly true.