Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

Well, looks like it's that time of the year again (no period jokes here). Where the world presents presents (pun intended) to all of the people living on Earth, spreading good times around, and getting wasted on eggnog. Regardless, I just want to say Merry Christmas to all of the hard-working Pokebase users who have sculpted this fantastic website into what it has become over the past few years. Cheers to Pokebase. (By the way in Australia we get Christmas a day early)

Here's a pokemon getting in the holiday spirit.

Merry Christmas from Astro because a) he can and b) Aranacana won't mind ^.^

Merry Christmas from Rex because a) Reasons mentioned above and b) No sense in making a whole 'nother question for this

Professor Grinch at your service :P

edited by
Just opened my presents, have a fun christmas eve, americans!

*evil laugh*
//Throws tinsel and confetti everywhere//
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody!
Merry Christmas/happy holidays though where I am, it isn't snowing. Let's have a greenish-brown Christmas.
I'm fashionably late again. But belated Merry Christmas and happy holidays anyways!

4 Answers

4 votes

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas, hope all is well for you. Here's to a great 2016!

Fingers crossed I have more spare time to work on the site (though I probably said the same thing last year...)

People have a life too outside the site, you can't just tell them to do something.
3 votes

Merry Christmas


2 votes

Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas!

0 votes

Merry Christmas / Xmas...
Happy Holidays...
Tis' the Season...
Season's Greetings...
Feliz Navidad...
and all the many ways to say the same thing in different languages...

You forgot "Happy Christmas!"
It's "Merry Christmas" nowadays. No one says "Happy Christmas" anymore.

Besides, I covered it in my answer "and all the many ways to say the same thing in different languages...".