Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I really need them. I have so many topics to discuss and all my opinionated questions on PokéBase Q & A get flagged. Better make it quick. I love this site, and I want to be able to contribute more to it. Thanks.

You will probably never get the forums,,, if you want to talk about random whatever just go to chat or the pokemon showdown server
Forums are like Santa.

You believe in them at first.

Then you realize they're not real.
Gud one Lenub :)
Lol, thats true. Recently however PM gave us some closure on the topic, so there's still hope.


1 Answer

1 vote

As Pokemaster has said time and time again it will be up when he finds the time to make it. Running a site like the Database take quite a bit of time and he also has other duties outside of that. The forums are not a big necessity so there is no rush to get one.

Now that that is said I will make a point right now saying that anymore questions about when the forums will be hidden. We don't need the meta clogged with it when Pokemaster himself has answered it multiple times before.
