Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes


Most eventually end up getting hidden by their authors, but what do we do with them as a community? Do we flag the questions to get a mod to hide them? Do we still try find an answer as to what the problem may have been? Do we encourage the author to answer their own questions (if the problem posed ends up getting fixed) so the question gets off the unanswered list? Does it differ from situation to situation?

-I'm not trying to be mean to the askers I'm just curious I'm sure you're all nice people-

I ended up taking down the second thread since the author asked for it to be "deleted", but yeah the answer below is pretty much what happens.
Also for future reference, if someone selects their own answer as Best Answer they'll only receive 2 points, not 22.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

But for regular questions, if you ask it and then find the answer yourself later, you can post the solution. This is rarer because someone else almost always knows the answer anyway.

Answering your own question actually is permitted, but only under a tight circumstances. If you ask a question, and nobody knows the answer, and you find the answer like a week after you post the question; then by all means go ahead. However, this is pretty much the only time you're allowed to do this, and you won't get the 20 points for giving yourself best answer. If that wasn't what you meant, let me know.

These are years old however I don't think anything has changed.

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