Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

These are the questions I'm talking about.
Basically, these questions ask us to explain unexpected behaviors of their Pokemon games, and the explanations are very difficult to impossible to look up on the internet. It seems the only way to answer them for sure is to have the asker upload a copy of his/her/its save file and have people download the files and reverse-engineer them to figure out what happened. This is obviously not practical, so I think those questions should be hidden after they remain unanswered for a certain amount of time (6 months?). What do you guys think?

They shouldn't be immediately outlawed because some incidents occur as a result of a common glitch or error. I've never really known how to answer these - in many cases you can validly answer by saying it's a glitch and your game is weird but you can never be entirely sure.
Yeah these are sort of problematic. I’ll probably start taking some of these down if they can’t be explained or the asker was too vague when they posted the question.
Basically, I completely agree with Indigo.
Can you at least hide the oldest questions?
Link them the Bulbapedia list, and if it's not on there, don't bother doing anything else.

1 Answer

1 vote

First, several of the posts you list are not glitches at all. I've answered a couple.

But for actual unexplained problems, as per the rules make sure they're using a legit game on a real system, not a ROM. The question also needs to have details of what exactly they did to make the problem appear. The more detail they give, the more likely you'll spot a flaw in their reasoning why something went wrong.

For example if someone says their Pokemon won't listen to them, they could be confused because they're using Slaking and that's its ability. Or an opponent used Attract or Thunder Wave and they think the Pokemon isn't listening when in fact it's just paralyzed.

Besides that, well it may just be a real glitch. The games are well-known for having battle glitches, though they're mostly fine in the overworld.

What happens if the person asking the question doesn't give any more details? What do we do if nobody knows the answer even if the details are given?