Trust me, I've wanted to crack down on stuff like this for a while. It's just that nothing is really formalised in the rules, so I can't really click a button and say 'sorry, your question was dumb so I got rid of it'. Maybe I'm soft -- say it outright if you think we're not doing it right.
This is a really good discussion to have though, since it basically concerns our quality control and what content we allow which I don't think we talk about enough. I guess the thread I made yesterday was me trying to break the mold.
In fact, allowing open-ended threads in moderation has probably sustained our entire community to be honest. Those in-game team and moveset threads pull millions of hits and probably drive a massive potion of the traffic around here. It's just that if we make the move and allow all 'opinion' questions, we're changing what this site is fundamentally.
The whole point of the platform is that we don't have long, sustained discussions (which opinion posts would attract). It's supposed to be solutions and explanations for specific issues, as opposed to debate over subjective matters. If we remove the one thing that makes us distinct from a standard forum or a site like Reddit, we just become another face in the crowd. Is the strict question-only format enough?
And to be honest, introducing content like this isn't guaranteed to stop trivial and silly questions from existing, either. Opinionated posts will bring about their own kind of crap. And I agree they'll be a nightmare to moderate, as again they twist the purpose of the site and give precedence for even more vague and directionless stuff to exist as well. Also, we'd need a way to deal with threads constantly being bumped to the front of navigation, which is big enough of an issue as it is.
Completely open to more discussion about this, but if we were to allow this kind of content, we'd need to scrutinise it and figure out how to formalise a system that won't corrupt the core of what this site is.