Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Can we please have it so that someone (either OP of meta post, with mod permission) or a Mod or a bot, asks a question on the Pokebase to advertise about certain topics that they wish everyone to see?

Before you jump at me, let me explain:

I mean, stuff like Tournament announcements and Username changes.

When I first joined the site, it took me a few months to stumble upon the Metabase. Admittedly, not everyone takes so much time, but it is safe to say that the meta is not as visited by users as the Pokebase. Which is an understatement, but you get the point.

So, a lot of the newer users miss out on some the current, time specific issues that promote short time site activity, but more importantly, allow them to actively participate with the community events.

Yesterday, for example, sumwun opened signups for the new tourney. If people don't see this, how will they ever sign up? Similarly with username changes that opened earlier today.

Look, I know the Chatroom is one option. However, honestly speaking, it's just not as active as it used to be. Some days there's a bunch of people and it's all fine and dandy but also we see sometimes little to no activity over a span of hours. Even when it is active, there's about 3 people at the most. It's not enough.

All I'm asking is that such stuff is made a question on the Pokebase, one question for each event, to be hidden later, upon termination of event.

Even better, ask one question, and let each answer be added for every new event, as it will invariably bump the thread, and newer users can see it. Answers, as you know, will be hidden once its utility runs out.

Just a thought. What do you guys think?

Edit: sumwun already this one before here reinstating its necessity as a feature.

I love Jawa's suggestion of updating the latest news in the "Welcome" box, but if it involves site changes limited to PM, then we will have to improvise, because when he's not always active.

edited by
In terms of ease of implementation, it is the fastest method, allowing even Experts to edit as and when required. Making site changes limits the authority to a select few, and not everyone is as active as Fizz.  Of course, like you said, there's always the chance it gets buried, but until PM comes and makes changes to the site itself, we could all do our bit and bump that one thread when needed, with a comment or whatever. Like I said, this is just an idea that obviously needs to be worked out more.

@Fizz, yes, I'm glad you see what I mean. It does seem hidden.
Furthermore, an alternate is that we ask Tournament and Username Changes on the Pokebase itself, and once the stipulated time is up, a Mod or PM can can hide the post. I know it goes against the nature of the Meta and the Pokebase (defeats the purpose of the Meta in a sense), but it will definitely have more views. Alternatively, the post can be moved to the Meta after the event is over (idk if this is possible, moving one question from the Pokebase to the Metabase).
Also, have you at least tried advertising name changes and tournaments and stuff in the chat room (or on the Showdown! server)?
Oh, and another idea I have is to put stuff like this on the homepage, so the newest thing there wouldn't always be atleast 6 months old.

He already said he was aware of the Chat Room.
Try advertising stuff on users' walls. I had a bit of success doing that.

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