Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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So Marshadow and I just finished up the current tournament, and I was wondering when would be a good time to do the next one. I also want to ask this more generally, because we should set up some kind of routine in case we ever get the tournament thing going again.
Also, who will host the next tournament? I really don't want to do two in a row.

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I say we redirect traffic to the PS! server as much as possible first. Plus we can always have randbat tourneys indefinitely there anyway. How long apart is really a matter of choice. You can put one up right now, or a month later. Personally I see little / no difference anyway. Those who will join will join anyway, seeing how holiday season doesn't directly mean a higher participation level, so I feel that we have nothing to lose by hosting the next one right now.

Also, why don't you want to host two in a row? Are you against hosting a tourney, or hosting a tourney immediately after you hosted another? Does it matter :P

As for who, I guess it is whoever is active enough. Most of us don't visit the site daily, let alone set aside time to create and maintain brackets and provide support/response for any questions participants have :/

Honestly this whole concept is so rough and unpolished it's ridiculous, we have like one or two people from time to time shouldering the responsibility and trying to revive it and it's gone back to rot so often it's genuinely disheartening to think about.

wow that got dark sorry

we should definitely host them, and host them sooner rather than later. nothing really stops us, y'know? just whoever has the time / likes the next idea enough to really put the effort into it. that's the practical solution we need to focus on than to listen to my whining xD
The only good way I know to redirect traffic to the Showdown! server is merging it with the chat room, but that might not be a good idea because it requires getting Pokemaster to do something and some people will want to chat without having to make a Showdown! account.
I think that the tour system doesn't need long breaks really. The sign ups for the next tour should happen a week after the following Monday (so in this case a week after the 22nd, so the thread would be posted on the Monday 29th). The remainder of the week + a full week is more than long enough. We need to get these going quickly to burn through old tours and it could honestly generate some activity if we're consistent. We should be putting actual effort into this after all.

Also, should quickly mention that one person shouldn't be running every tour. if someone else wants to volunteer, have it between 2 or 3 people instead on a rota if possible. Not that sumwun did anything wrong, but in case he can't do it for a week or something along those lines it'd be much easier to already have people set up to do it rather than it falling on just whoever's there.

Tell me of course if anyone disagrees, I'm not the most forward minded person.
I think we should start on Fridays or Saturdays because this site probably gets more activity over the weekend.
I went ahead and set the start date of the next tournament to January 27. You guys can change it if you think it's too early or whatever.
27th sounds fine.

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