Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

So I have way more than 25 points on Pokebase and posted a moveset answer for Snorlax. Then, when I posted it, it says "your answer will be checked and approved shortly" which only happens if you don't have the permission to post straight away, which you need 25+ points to do. I check to see if I still had the same points as yesterday (the day before posting that I have 108 points) And I still do. Is this a glitch?

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1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

I just checked, and you need more points for old questions (which most moveset questions are)

200 to post answers on old questions without ‘approve’ prompt

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Thanks gekky
Damn guys, I'm really grateful, but isn't 3 upvotes on a copy/paste answer a bit overkill?