Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This is also a very minor suggestion for making the limit much higher.

Why does it need a limit? They're only tags for mews sake.

I only found out when asking a question earlier.

Do you have to use the lolwhy tag?
Yes. Lolwhy do we have a limit of six tags?

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Because adding too many tags makes them kind of useless. They are meant to categorise the question so people can find the things they know/care about.

If you think you need that many tags then it's likely your question is about too many things (and should be 2 separate questions) or you're trying to add a tag that doesn't really describe the question (eg a question about egg moves may be tagged 'egg-moves' but doesn't need a tag 'eggs' as it's not about eggs themselves).

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But what if I have a suggestion and I need to use 7 different "adverb-minor-suggestion" tags?
minor-suggestion, super-minor-suggestion, relatively-minor-suggestion, major-minor-suggestion, sumwun-like-minor-suggestion, good-minor-suggestion, colorful-magical-awesome-super-minor-suggestion :P