Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Upon opening PokéBase, I’ve learned a lot of useful functions, yet I’m still wondering what it means when a post has its ‘Answer’ section (before you open up the answer itself) is red. I noticed that a lot of questions have these, but there are more black-marked and green-marked ones to go around. If someone could explain what those mean, that would be great. Thanks for reading!

Are you talking about the area to left of the question that shows the number of votes, views, and answers?
Yes. :) :) :) :) <Had to hit 6 lol.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Red: There aren’t any answers for the question.

Black: There is a answer or answers, but the asker hasn’t selected one.

Green: The question has been answered and the asker selected an answer as best.

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What does it mean exactly if the zero is still bolded in black though?
A black zero should only appear in the votes part, and it will always be black.
That makes sense. Quick question: why can’t I upvote or downvote certain answers or questions? This is especially prominent on META.
You gain that ability once you have a certain amount of points. No idea how many, but I think it might be the same as the points needed to get rid of the welcome banner.
Makes sense. Thanks for everything!
Full detail on the points system can be found (or found linked in) here: