Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This has been a question of mine for awhile. If there ever was a big change—such as an entirely new and accessible PokéBase configuration with new point systems and more—would there ever be a temporary shutdown of this website? If so, when would such a thing occur?

'Deemed unusable' is a funny way to put it -- there'd be nothing that extreme. There was a large site update in 2013 that had PokeBase under maintenance for maybe an hour, though something of that scale likely won't happen again soon.
Pokemaster can update and recalculate the points system whenever he likes without taking PokeBase offline, so that shouldn't be a problem.
The website might shut down if someone tried to DDos attack it or something.
Everytime the site shuts down I go into a panic for no reason.

1 Answer

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There are usually temporary shutdowns when I make big changes (such as the recent redesign) but they only last a few minutes.

I test all updates to the code of PokemonDb on my computer first before uploading to the site. I also have a test site I use for bigger updates, just to ensure nothing goes wrong with the upload process.

Besides that, there is no real reason the site would go down for a long time. We did have a DDoS a while back but we now have much better protection against that.

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