Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I posted a question on the main site on why my Wobbuffets weren't hatching Wynauts. It got taken down because it was a copy of another question. The list of questions it shows to make sure yours isn't a copy is, I think, based on the title alone, and not the description/body of the question. The question I accidentally copied was not on this list, so I had no idea it existed until it was taken down. I'm sure y'all have had that happen to you at least once.

Never happened to me, but I guess I can see it happening.
It's happened to me too. Sometimes, I accidentally copy an existing question and only see the original after I've already asked the question. I usually end up hiding my duplicates.
If you're worried about asking a duplicate question, you could search the site to see if it has been asked before. I've wanted to ask quite a few questions before but did not because I found that it was asked upon checking if the question has been asked or not. :P
TBH, most stuff like "Why isn't <x> evolving?" or "Why doesn't <y>'s eggs hatch <z>?" have probably already been asked, unless it is about a new generation that came out recently. :P
What are you asking here? The similar questions it gives you aren't always going to be helpful, and there's not much we can do about it.

1 Answer

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Not sure what question you asked (I don't see it in your activity) but when I tried a question containing "wobbuffet" and "wynaut" it came up with the duplicate question. I think it does only search titles, so ideally you need to write a good title to find the dupe. But sometimes the dupe has a bad title, or you misspell something. Not a huge amount we can do about that, creating a good search engine is hard!

In the end, it doesn't matter too much. If you ask a question and it turns out to already exist, it will be closed as a dupe, and you can find your answer on the dupe.

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Wow my first pokemaster answer also thank you