Meta-PokéBase Q&A
16 votes

Sometimes users can make typos that they want to fix, or they feel like the original wall post didn't quite say what they wanted it to, and seeing as there are post limits, users may not want to waste a post correcting themselves. Being able to edit posts can fix that.

However, to prevent spam and typing different wall posts under the guise of "editing", there can also be an edit limit. Perhaps the same amount as a wall post limit.

I just think this could be useful for quite a few users.

That could be a good alternate Gekky
@Gekky, I would like that. But haven't there been incidents in the past of people abusing extra privileges?
no answer and 6 years ago, i have no problem leaving this up, also i must have confused it with something else
I like this idea, and, though I don't know much about code, shouldn't be too hard to do, just copy paste the code that allows edits for comments, into the wall post code.

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