Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Yes I know what you're thinking. Why not just use smogon samples? Samples are ok as an option but such threads will give many options. It maybe that players don't like smogon samples and find a good team here instead. Samples are also for beginners. Suppose the person has started to understand meta but ain't capable of making good teams yet. Also they won't have fear of team getting sniped as many people use smogon but not Pokémondb. Mods and staff can give their final opinion on it. If you don't agree, please state and I won't mind :)
I just thought of this when I wanted to post moveset for a Pokémon. That set could only be used on a certain type of team. (Not much relevant but I got idea from there)
Please comment down below to tell what you think of this.
Staff can also decide where the threads will be. Preferably pokebase but you can decide.

There are many sample teams on smogon provided by professional players with lots of experience. No offense to the people here, but these guys/girls/non-binary individuals usually know more about the metagame.
That's a real fact. Many of the answers about competitive are copied from Smogon threads
Don't we already have RMT for posting teams?
My opinions on this:

In theory this sounds like a decent idea. In game team threads for competitive.

However, I really don’t like the combination of full-on team threads for competitive and people who are not familiar with competitive play. This is already a problem that moveset questions have, but if these are going to be full teams, it’s multiplied by 6. Per answer.

These would also be so cluttered, I can already imagine it.

Like sumwun stated, people already post teams on RMT. If you want to find a viable competitive team, we have a section full of them. There are very good ones there as well.

There are a lot of formats.

Last but not least, as people have already pointed out (and that you’ve acknowledged), there are Smogon samples. And like SSuperiority stated, users on Smogon are usually going to know the meta game better.

That’s it. And again, these are just my opinions.
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@chocolate maybe you're right on smogon players being good. But saying they're better than us isn't always true. Db players have reached high rounds in smogon tours. Me , for example, reached R5 in gen 8 ubers winter ssnl( I would reach higher if I wasn't haxxed badly in my both R4 and R5 )
Being my very first time in smogon tour, it can be considered good. I don't mean to say we should be over confident that we're better. But we are not always worse than them. I don't mean to say I'm better than them either. This is my view.
I’m not saying all people on db are worse than people on smogon. However a lot of people good at competitive play on this website are also on smogon and in general people over at smogon know the meta game better.


“My opinions on this”

“again, these are just my opinions”

1 Answer

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Best answer

As mentioned, my thoughts on this are similar to my thoughts from this answer. To be clear, I/we have not said "no" to these threads -- I just don't think they'd be that good. (I'll also mention that I think the competitive advice here has improved recently, but that's not to say it'll always be good.)

An extra point that I didn't mention in that answer is that each format (e.g. "Gen 8 OU") is subject to change, and any answer on a thread like this is likely to become outdated. For threads like this to be any good, they would need to be moderated very closely to remove outdated posts, or re-posted regularly. Both solutions sound extremely messy.

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Yes sir, np. Thanks. I hope db will become capable of good competitive advice very soon. We already have a few formats that are played by a certain member/s of db family and they're good at it. we'll be able to cover all formats very soon.