Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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We should be able to rate them on the RMT Page. Otherwise it is just "Rate My Competitive Team". There have been loads of times where people have just had their Rate My Team questions closed "with the note: competitive teams only". I feel like that is you are going to make it "Rate My Team", we should be able to rate every team, competitive or not.

Thanks :D

Edit: How about "Rate My Challenge Run Team", such as Monotype Runs and Nuzlocke ones? I have done a Ghost Monotype playthrough before and am in the middle of a Nuzlocke, soooo? :)

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"Competitive teams only: In other words, teams for competitive battling with other people or the advanced post-game sections like Battle Tree or Pokemon World Tournament. No teams for regular gameplay: there are too many variables for these questions to be useful, and in-game teams do not need much work, just a variety of Pokemon types and moves."
 - The Rules page

I don't necessarily disagree with this thread, but an in-game team would have to have a lot of detail for them to be worth rating (perhaps they could only be challenge runs, like Nuzlockes).
The thing about in-game teams is that almost all of them can win every battle by level grinding. I don't think we should allow a bunch of questions just so we can comment "spend 30 minutes beating up wild Pokemon and then it'll be good" on all of them.
Also we already have the "good in-game team" threads on Pokebase.
It is true that advice for in-game teams is reducible to "grind more", but there is almost always something you can do to make the game easier without grinding. Some examples:
* teach this TM to your Pokemon because it is good against three gyms.
* replace x Pokemon with y Pokemon because it evolves faster and has a higher growth rate.
* give your Pokemon a Sitrus Berry so you might not use a turn to heal.
In any case, if people were happy with "grind more" as an answer, then there wouldn't be such a demand for in-game team rates. It is very obvious that people want other advice, and PokeBase can service that.

There is also the distinction between "please rate my team that I am currently using" and "please rate my team that I'm planning to use" -- telling somebody posting the latter to "make sure you grind enough" is hilariously unhelpful.

I'll repeat what I said in the thread KRLW linked: if these posts are allowed, then we will enforce very high standards for quality/detail on them. This wouldn't be some "here's six Pokemon and tell me what you think" sort of deal. It would be a genuine effort to optimise the team for the game in question, making it simple to beat. I agree that the advice would be likely to become repetitive -- but if we find that becomes such a large issue that the threads aren't valuable anymore, then we can just stop allowing them (and maybe write some catch-all threads on the main section). We haven't tried at all and I think we should.

1 Answer

4 votes

Allowing in-game teams was a suggestion brought up about a year ago by Fizz (one of our mods) in a larger thread discussing possible renovations to the RMT section (which I think is still very relevant today).
I don't think the webmaster ever saw that thread, though, since he only pops into the site occasionally. Moderators can't change the rules page, and enforcing new rules and standards without it being reflected on the rules page just sounds like a recipe for disaster.

It's been discussed, but until the webmaster sees our suggestions and decides to act on them, we're going to continue to disallow in-game teams.

I've never heard Pokemaster be referred to as a "webmaster". Sure, he is one, but what he isn't is Joe Merrick. Unless...