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3 votes

I don't think there's anything wrong in making movesets Showdown! syntax default. It's easy to create competitive movesets in the teambuilder, then click the export button to copy it, and paste it. It's not needed to remember the syntax—there's an button from which you can get the set.

I have a question regarding bullets. If you don't include a space between the "-", it doesn't convert into bullets. But, if you include a space, it doesn't fit the teambuilder syntax. So, should you include a space or not? Like this:

Frozen Inferno 火 (Kyurem-White) @ Utility Umbrella
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 40 HP / 252 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Freeze-Dry
- Fusion Flare
- Roost
- Sheer Cold


Frozen Inferno 火 (Kyurem-White) @ Utility Umbrella
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 40 HP / 252 SpD / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk

  • Freeze-Dry
  • Fusion Flare
  • Roost
  • Sheer Cold

That's all I want to know. I guess, it's not a good idea to go edit all older move-sets to PS! syntax now, but can we please implement that for future move-set answers?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Forcing importable syntax would be nice, but I think it's an unreasonable thing to ask of the userbase overall. If you could see the amount of movesets we already remove for not following the guidelines, you would understand why I doubt people's ability to follow yet another rule, let alone one that goes beyond what you include in the post. (Showdown syntax is easy if you use Showdown, but the reality is most new users posting to those threads don't use Showdown at all.)

Maybe we could try it, but I think the amount of new content we'd remove would be too much for what it's worth -- and editing the posts to use syntax or nagging people about it just sounds pedantic. Maybe we could give it a run if it was added to each thread itself; but again, the rules already listed there get broken almost every day.

None of this is to say you shouldn't edit answers into importable syntax if you think they look bad, though. Everyone reading the threads probably appreciates what you've already done. I'm not really worried about whether you include the space for bullet points -- just do what you think is better. I personally think the posts look fine without bullet points, so I just leave them out.

(As an aside, maybe there's a discussion to be had about whether we actually want content from people who aren't aware of good syntax? A fair portion of the "bad" sets that come through don't use Showdown syntax.)

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We could add a button the the hyperlink or image buttons in the answer editor in RMT, called “Set Outline” or something like that, which inserts the following into a post:

PokémonName @ ItemName
______ Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

Either that or we could get one that brings up a selection box and allows you to pick from dropdowns of Pokémon, abilities, items, and moves, etc. and inserts one filled out already. However, I doubt PM will have the time to do this (me: waiting for the open source solution). :P