Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

My account on the q and a says I have 6 downvotes, but I searched all throughout my answers and questions, and it said I only had 1, now one of my lesser/bad questions just got hidden, and I know that one had -2, but that still leaves three unaccounted for. Are there some long hidden q's of mine that still haven't been deleted or something? Please explain.

One of your downvoted questions might have been upvoted.
Oh, now that you mention it, I remember that happening at least once, so that leaves 2.
Also just to be clear there is a difference between a downvote being removed and a downvote getting canceled by an upvote. A downvote canceled by a upvote means the down vote is still there, but easily noticeable. Upvote canceling downvote is what I'm talking about.
Yes, I know that, I remember, at least once, I had a downvote, and then it was cancelled out by an upvote.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Short answer: The website says you have six downvotes because you have six downvotes.

I went through your entire history, including hidden posts, and found all six downvotes. Three of them are 'invisible' because somebody else upvoted the post.

In case you had your hopes up: none of the downvotes you've received are going to be deleted. Posts are only deleted if they have no 'dependents' (i.e. no replies) which is not the case for your posts.

Please don't concern yourself about receiving downvotes. It's going to happen if you make a lot of posts, and at the end of the day, this is just a Pokemon forum.

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Okay, and don't worry, the only thing I was even thinking might be deleted was my hidden question, because the entire q got hidden, but I guess not... Ah well, doesn't really matter.