i don't think that they should be downvoted. also, i believe that ~Obstagoon-Marnie~ actually asked Fizz's permission on his/her wall, and they (i think) said it was fine, as it didn't nessecarily break any rules. i guess you could kinda (kinda) compare themto moveset questions, in the sense that it is more or less the same thing but with a different pokemon (msqs), and and regions (gym leader questions).
I do, however, agree with you that they should be in some sort of order. well, 1) They can be added to the Database in the page you can see the gym leader movesets, with a link as to where you can find them, 2) forget the links and just use the questions to update the database pages themselves, and 3) maybe add a collective tag? such as "msq" and "igtq", maybe we could add a new tag like "glmq" or "glq", being Gym Leader (Moveset) Questions.
hope this helped a bit! :D