Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

If someone asks a question and they get an answer they're not satisfied with, it would be useful for the asker of the question to be able to convert it to a comment so it goes back to the unanswered list, making there be a higher chance of it being answered again.

I personally think that's it easier just to ask an Expert+ person to convert it.  I also think this would be exploited.
How would it be exploited?
By converting answers into comments based on who answered, just because they could convert it, etc.
Yeah basically what J™ said. It'd be better if you notify some Editor / Mod about it, or you can flag it so that some Mod sees it? I don't know about the latter but the former, you can do that.

1 Answer

1 vote

While I’m no staff member (if you are one, please feel free to add your thoughts!), I can safely say, no.

It could be exploited, to convert helpful answers into comments.

By converting answers into comments based on who answered, just because they could convert it, etc.

If there is a need for it, an expert+ will convert it. If they don’t, it would be easier for someone to contact one rather than risk trolls and stuff.

Adding onto this, you can always dm or wall a staff member to do it for you