Ayup. This is a Gen 8 OU Tournament. As the name suggests, this is.....gen 8 OU. Overused is a Smogon tier hosted on http://play.pokemonshowdown.com. This is a good link to find some good information about the tier if you're new: https://www.smogon.com/dex/ss/formats/ou/
Save your replays
12thmanforlife EST (GMT -4) 3 am only (this is random so I'll do what I want) Double Elimination
After sign ups, I'll read it and see if you guys are cool (double elimination) or cool (single elimination).
The deadline is 9/25/21 GMT to sign up.
When the battle is finished with your opponent, send the replay in the comments of the round of the battle. If I faced Primordial Sea (Who would destroy me) in round 1, and I won, I would post the replay and something else under the round 1 answer.
Good luck kids.
Username: Call_me_Joey19 Timezone: EST (GMT -4) Availability: Sundays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., varies on every other day. Always have some free time, just at different times. Leave a message on my wall so that I can help schedule a time to play. Tournament type: Double elimination
I will probably lose Round 1, but I will at least try to give whoever I face a good match. Good luck, everyone!
I can sign up because I've finally made a team which won't lose to Toxapex stall.
PS! Username: Gatik Timezone: IST (GMT+5.5) Availability: Weekdays 4:00 GMT to 11:30 GMT, Weekends anytime before 13:30 GMT Double Elimination
Username: PrimalKyogre555 Timezone: EST (GMT -4) Availability: 3:30 PM - 10:30 PM on weekdays, 10 AM - 10:30 PM on weekends Double elimination
Username: HeartUndaBlade Timezone: GMT+1 Availability: I'm usually only available on the weekends. Tournament type: Single elimination.
im gonna get destroyed! and tourneys are fun:D
chesta adabi b / Abimaster300 (put 2 accounts because at some situation i need to use one of them, if you get what im saying) WIB (GMT +7 indonesia) usually free in the weekend, saturday 12.00-20.00 and sunday 10.00-20.00 Im fine with those 2, maybe double elimination
I’ll probably lose round 1 since this isn’t Doubles. :P
Showdown username: ANoobWithoutANameツ Timezone: GMT (GMT+0) Avaliability: 9am - 4pm on weekdays, 5pm - midnight on weekends. Tournament type: Single elimination.
sumwun (dropped out so whomever faces them gets a win) Your Excellency Sixer Me Tasty Mushroom
Frozen Inferno VS KRLW890 Watanabe VS GeniusGatik J VS Mech Steelix Anoobwithoutaname VS Chesta Adabi Call me Joey VS Shining Yin melcakes VS Primordial Sea Cyberbear VS PsyKlone Staka VS Spooky Terrain
Finish by 15/10 GMT +0
MechSteelix Kiawe Psyklone melcakes
Winners' Bracket:
Draco Magnis VS ANoobWithoutAName PsychicX1 VS Spooky Terrain
Losers' Bracket:
Cyberhedge IV VS Staka~ Your Excellency VS Call_me_joey J™ VS ~azureshiram~ Me VS KRLW (monkaW)
Finish by the 2nd of November pls https://challonge.com/x7jlr060 wee
PsychicX1 Draco Magnis
Winners Bracket:
ANoobWithoutAName VS SpookyTerrain (Damn y'all haven't lost at all, gl)
Losers Bracket:
MechSteelix VS Staka~ Kiawe VS Call_Me_Joey (activity win ez) Psyklone VS J (Activity win ez) Melcakes VS me (monkaW)
Alright gamers, get done by November 8th pls. Bracket Link: https://challonge.com/x7jlr060 yaaaaay
Shining Yin GeniusGatik942 Spooky Terrain ANoobWithoutAName
(No Winners Matchups)
Losers Matchups:
Staka~ VS Kiawe J VS Melcakes
ANoobWithoutAName Spooky Terrain
Winners Matchups:
None L
PsychicX1 VS Kiawe Draco Magnis VS melcakes
Bracket Link: https://challonge.com/x7jlr060
Finish by the 26th of November gamers
Inactivity. Yay.
Draco Magnis VS PsychicX1 Exhibition (I feel bad that you guys haven't played for a long time, so if you want, y'all can matchup, I'd suggest using other teams or something): ANoobWithoutAName VS SpookyTerrain
1st of December is when y'all need to finish.
Match (Losers championships):
SpookyTerrain VS PsychicX1