
Welcome to the Monotype Little Cup tournament, as suggested by Kyron (or Ben?) no less than five years ago! This tour combines the popular battle formats Little Cup and Monotype to form a brand new metagame, in which you'll be able to innovate a strategy to suit your prediction of the meta.
This tournament will use Gen 8 Little Cup rules as a base, with the added requirement that all Pokemon on your teams must have at least one type in common.
In accordance with the above, here is the complete rule-set for this tournament:
- Battles will take place in the 'LC' format under 'Sw/Sh Singles' on Pokemon Showdown!. Battles will take place on our updated Showdown server.
- You may only use Pokemon that are un-evolved, but capable of evolution, on your team. (For example, this means that Oddish is allowed, but Gloom, Vileplume and Bellossom are banned. It also means Sableye is banned, despite being un-evolved.)
- All Pokemon on your team must be level 5. By extension, this means that any Pokemon unobtainable at level 5 is banned.
- All Pokemon on your team must have at least one type in common. Dual-type Pokemon are allowed. (For example, Bulbasaur is eligible for both Grass and Poison teams.)
- Smogon's battle clauses are in effect. This means that, for example, you cannot use two Pokemon that share a Pokedex number on the same team or put more than one Pokemon to sleep at a time.
The following bans extend from decisions made by the LC Council at Smogon:
- You may not use Corsola-G, Cutiefly, Drifloon, Gastly, Gothita, Sneasel, Swirlix, Vulpix or Vulpix-A on your team, as these Pokemon are banned in Gen 8 LC. (Starting in the third round, Rufflet will also be unavailable.)
- You may not use the move Baton Pass, as it is banned in Gen 8 LC.
- You may not use Dynamax in battles, as this feature is banned in Gen 8 LC.
I will watch replays for each battle that takes place to ensure these rules are not broken. If a player breaks the rules, they will be disqualified and their opponent will progress, regardless of the battle's outcome.
One battle is to occur between each pair of participants. If the battle is drawn, an additional battle should be used to decide the winner. In this case, players may change their teams between battles.
Battle replays must be shared and posted on this thread. If all the battles are not completed by the due date, I will decide if an extension will be given or if a player will be disqualified for inactivity.
Sign-ups (NOW CLOSED!)
Read sumwun's guidelines for tournament participation before signing up.
If you'd like to participate, post an answer below, specifying your preferred Showdown! username, time zone and availability. Feel free to add some style! My own sign-up could look like this:

Showdown! username: fizz_db
Time zone: AEST (UTC+10)
Availability: 6.00 pm till late on weekdays, waking hours on weekends
A maximum of 16 players may participate. Sign-ups will close and the first round brackets will be posted at 5.00 am, Sunday 12 April, Pacific Time (UTC−7). Matchups will be decided randomly.
Use a time zone converter to help you decide battle times.