Meta-PokéBase Q&A
8 votes

i have a really hard time searching for users in meta,rate my team and q&a so can you make it so we can search for users?

You already can. You need to use the search bar at the top right of your screen, which is besides the "Community/Other" tab; that search bar searches the whole website. For example, if I put in "Fizz" in there, I'll get his account at the top of the result.
@Aaaa it isn’t really efficient. It gets really complicated sometimes depending on usernames (for example, a name with a pokemon in it will show literally every thread that has the name of said pokemon)
A search that you can specify users would be cool
You can also find users through manually inputting their username, like this:
It gets a bit complicated with special character but that's where the regular search is more useful.

But it would still be nice to have an easier way to do this.
yes searching for users should be a thing!
This idea been suggested many, many, many times over the eleven years PokeBase has existed. It has never been added. Don't get your hopes up.
i literally was thinking to ask this type of question :)
@fizz  ok but WHY? is it hard to add something like that?(probably)
@mega mismagius

It’s the site admin. He’s forgetful and lowkey neglects the site, so we never get updates. Maybe one minor one once a year, if we’re lucky. It’s not that it’s hard, but considering pm’s history, it’s probably not going to happen.

See: fizz for admin, chatmod, promotions, username changes, every other suggestion on the site
ok and yeah fizz should become admin!
This looks like a good time to shamelessly promote one of my earlier suggestions.
oh i didnt see that suggestion
and that suggestion is GREAT wish pm would put something like that to the site
When people say see followed by the list it’s supposed to be a modern way of saying “here are prime examples” lol don’t take my slang seriously; those are just my examples
To be fair: Q2A is open-source software and it's not Pokemaster's job to add every feature we request here on PokeBase. The feature may not be considered within the scope of the software to provide (as others have mentioned, there are workarounds that are good enough 95% of the time).
Let's just shift to XenForo x].
I suggested this a while ago, this would be really good.

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