Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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i really want movesets for pokemon in specific gens

i want a good moveset for linoone in pokemon emerald but when i go check"what is a good moveset for linoone" it doesnt show movesets for it in pokemon emerald

and you cant ask moveset questions unless your a admin modarator or something

1. The moveset threads here are for competitive movesets, not in-game ones. However, since in-game battles are much easier, the same movesets can be used for in-game purposes.
2. In case a pokémon has movesets which are extremely competitive-oriented and cant be used in-game, the basic formula for a decent in-game moveset remains the same: maximum coverage possible with a setup move if required. This is because in-game battles are heavily offense-based; so you're good to go if you follow this idea.
3. Movesets for older generations are actually available here. The moveset threads were posted during Gen 5 so almost all generations after that have a moveset. If you cant find the generation you're looking for, then you're just outta luck, sorry.

Side note: Only staff members are allowed to ask moveset questions due to organisational purposes.

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Hi! The reason why there’s a rule regarding moveset threads is primarily because of reoccurring issues such as quality and organization/spam. To keep the site in tip-top shape, it’s much more easier to have one thread per final evolved form for easier access, easier organization, and more quality-control.

For in-game teams, the truth is… literally anything can work for in-game! No matter how bad a set may be, it’ll probably work in-game. If you really want a good set, you can check the competitive threads and modify for your liking. Look at commonly repeated attacking moves to get a good feel for what’s good on that Pokémon, and check the site to see if it’s available in the gen you’re playing. It really depends what you want and what will work for your team. The reason why we don’t have a thread for every generation is because… that’s a lot of new pages for the same Pokemon! A bit excessive, don’t you think? This falls into the organization aspect I mentioned earlier.

You can also ask in chat or on walls of other members for what they think may be useful for in-game. There’s plenty of people with lots of experience who’ll be willing to help.

I hope this helps! If you need further clarification, let me know. I hope you have a better understanding as to why it’s a rule now :)

P.S. Surf and False Swipe are pretty good in-game for Linoone… just saying ;)

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4 votes

If you can't find a moveset from the gen you're looking for on the main thread, then you have a few options:

  1. Check Smogon. For an Emerald Linoone set, for example, you would search "Linoone Smogon Emerald", and the first result should be the Smogon page for Linoone. This is only helpful for competitive play in Smogon tiers though.

  2. Make your own. Be creative! Learn the meta, figure out what works, and use it. If you want a set for in-game, that doesn't require a lot of thought. For Linoone, just give it four HMs. For another Pokemon, find its best attacking stat, and give it some STAB and coverage moves of that category.

  3. Ask around. If you ask on chat, a kind soul might be helpful enough to provide you with a set. This is by no means a guarantee though, and you'd have to get used to people saying "I don't know" a lot.

Hope I helped!


Fight me
10:00 a.m. tomorrow outside the courtroom. Don't be late
Why would I fight when I can just downvote? Smhsmh
4 votes

If there isn't a moveset for the game you're playing, it's bad luck, sorry. From an organisational standpoint, Emerald/ Gen 3 sets belong on the existing thread.

We deliberately keep only one moveset question per fully evolved Pokemon -- it keeps the questions tidy and means we don't have 3,000 different moveset threads.

If you're really hanging out for an Gen 3 Linoone set then you can just get one from Smogon. The best movesets tend not to change very much anyway (in this case: the best Linoone set is, and probably always will be, BD Extreme Speed).

Fizz… u a bit late to the party