Just wondering if there was some kind of discussion about strategies happening here.
I've found one-two articles, but they were mainly Questions leading to entire threads. I was hoping for a kind of "Experts Forum Discussion" where various strategy discussions were taking place (ie new team combos, gimmick strategies, monotype team discussions, etc.).
I dont have many places to turn to for Pokemon strategies so I just create my own. If there was a way to share strategies and gimmicks, that would be nice. So far I've seen "Rate My Team" which... is pretty lame, imo. I want to know what actual good players are saying, or at least a real discussion about the Meta.
I dont like (in sword/shield) how Zacian is maximum OP and that you need a Quagsire to counter it. Quagsire is lame, I dont want it on my team. Nobody is talking about how cheat it is and how it outspeeds and OHKOs almost everything.