Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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When you post in RMT, you see question guidelines that tell you to read the rules and say to ask general pokemon questions on Pokebase. Very few new posters actually read the rules and end up posting teams with no descriptions. To get around this, I suggest adding a sentence in RMT Question Guidelines specifying that descriptions are mandatory. The rules already say no in game teams, but they don't mention descriptions.

I think anybody attentive enough to read that box will have read the rules already. If we want to eradicate posts missing descriptions, we need to be forceful. Personally, I would be happy with:
1. Enforcing a minimum post length for RMT of 1000 characters. Exporting a team of six from Showdown will give you about 800 to 900 characters, so this would be effective. Characters accrue quickly when you start writing actual sentences to where I think there are effectively no drawbacks with this idea, even for formats that require less than six Pokemon.
2. Scare tactics. Put a red box on the submission page warning that we remove ~70% of submissions to RMT for not following requirements (yes that's an accurate figure), and the only way to ensure you get it right is to spend one minute reading.
These are both good suggestions. In addition to these, we could implement my suggestion about putting a message at the top of the RMT section saying "competitive teams only" or something to that effect.

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