Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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All Of my questions are closed by FIZZ always
So what i would like you to say is what questions are questions that are not going to get flaged or closed

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1 Answer

1 vote

Questions that don't get closed are questions that follow the rules page. If the question doesn't break any rules, then it won't be closed and we will remove any flags it receives.

Most often, we close duplicate questions ("What are EVs?"), questions we can't answer ("Will there be new Eeveelutions in Gen 10?"), and questions that show very low effort ("When does Turtwig evolve?"). Here is some advice on how to write good questions that are more likely to get up-votes.

Do i click on the last link?
If you want advice on writing better questions, then you should click the last link.
Dude I took your advice and you closed my question like why:9
Rule 1.4 says multiple times that you need to give detail to narrow down the question. I explained specifically what you'd need to do to have the question reopened and you're still very welcome to reply to that.
We're not going to make an exception for you, sorry. We have the rules for a reason.