Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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It would be nice, we could get notifications like some individual asked, and maybe you could favorite a pokemon, so if it gets something new, you get notified,


1 Answer

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Best answer

Pokemaster (who runs this website) has said many times that he isn't interested in making an app, sorry.

If you want notifications for PokeBase, you can check the "email me if my post is answered" boxes and set up your mail app (Outlook, Gmail, etc) to send push notifications.

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iirc, didn't Pokemaster say he once tried to make an app, but it got taken down? Could be wrong.
Specifically, it was a web app that cached data in your browser so it would work offline. I think when people ask for an "app" they want a smartphone app, which Pokemaster has never been interested in.