I had to split this update into 2 Wall posts, due to it being so long XD.
Did I also mention I started another new one? This is a Pokémon Y Namelocké!
Update One: Pokémon Y Hardcore Namelocké
Rules: I am tired of typing and not gonna do anymore then I have to. So I am gonna quote Giru-Riku and myself.
“I imagined a strange Nuzlocke idea. It has all the regular nuzlocke rules, but with a bonus. Basically, you chose a game/movie/book or game/movie/book series and only nicknamed your Pokemon after characters from whatever you selected. However, you couldn't have duplicate names. And also, when you use up all the names of the characters, you can't catch any more Pokemon, so when you first enter a route, choose wisely. Even if a Pokemon dies, you can't reuse its name. Also, your Pokemon has to match the gender of that character. If I was doing one of the challenges and decided on Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, I couldn't name a female Pokemon Luke or a male Pokemon Selena (Selena sucks by the way). For genderless Pokemon, you can name them after any character. I'm considering doing a nuzlocke like that, using the before-mentioned Harvest Moon: Animal Parade. I'm bored I guess... hey actually I might do that. (boots up UM as if I'm not doing a Kyogre Shiny hunt)” -Giru-Riku
“Ok, I see that... I do like that, however, I see some flaws. First of, so,ego Ed a series has so many characters, and that rule about that probably won’t come into affect. However, simple fix, main characters, not background characters. Two, you are not allowed Genderless Pokémon. The character wasn’t Genderless, so the Pokémon shouldn’t be either. Third, I think you can’t go naming Pokémon whatever names whilli-milli. The Pokémon has to have some, even slim relation to the character. What do you think? I think I will do it once I have a clear spot. Because after my Shield Surpriselocké, I am doing a Shield Starlocké. After LGE Team Rocket Nuzlocké, I am A) Gonna do a Mirrorlocké or B) Gonna win a bid for Omega Ruby and a 3DS and do a Mirrorlocké on that. And Emerald is a no-go, because I have nowhere for my Pokémon to go, and I am not deleting them. And finally, after I do my LGP Loserlocké, I am gonna do a Wedlocke.” - -Obstagoon~Marnie-
Got it? Okay, here are the characters I will be using: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Fred, George, Mrs. Weasly, Mr. Weasly, Lilly and James, McGonnagal, Snape, Dumbledore, Lupin, Mad Eye Moody, Umbridge, Draco, Hagrid, Dudley, Voldemort, Sirius, Dobby, Albus, Harry’s son, Rose, and Scorpius. All clear? Good! Let’s start! Oh yeah! This was all Giru-Riku’s idea if you didn’t catch on. Thanks to him!
So, I started up Y, and met all my rivals. So many rivals, yet none of them are the Blue or Silver kinda rivals. *Sigh* Anyway, I picked Fenniken because I am doing a Harry Potter Namelocké and his evolution is a Warlock. I named him Ronald/Ron. On yeah! I named myself what the Harry Potter name generator said my name would be if I was in the wizarding world. My name is Preston F_ (You don’t need to know the rest) So my wizarding name is Ptolemy Flint! Then after the stupid catching tutorial, I met my second Pokémon on Route 2. A Pidgey I named Dumbledore. Then, through Santalune forest, I caught a Panpour. A shame the elemental Monkeys have there evolutions. They are cute, have good origins, and a colorful. To bad they have abominations as evos. Shauna STOP FOLLOWING ME. Anyway, I was hungry, so I decided to leave on there.
Badges: 0
Lv. Cap: 14
Deaths: 0
Current Team:
And finally! Last but not least, another new one! XD. I am having fun with all the games that came with my new 3DS. A Pokémon Red Zombielocké!
Update One: Pokémon Red Hardcore Zombielocké
So, I started my game, named myself Preston and my rival ZOMBIE. Yeah XD. So, then I got my Squirtle and named it Austin. Then, my and my rival battled and I came out triumphant like the amazing trainer I am- Austin fainted! Err take two! So, I started my game, named myself Preston and- You get the point XD
So, after actually beating my rival, I went am ran a errand for Oak, and later caught a Pidgey I named John. So then on Route 22, I caught a Spearow and named it Maxim. Now, that is where the team drops off. I caught a Rattata (Merope) and Weedle (Mary) on Route 2 and Viridian Forest respectively. Now, you probably know that Beedrill and Raticate aren’t the most beloved or powerful Pokémon... and my other team members are way more valuable. If one of them were to turn into a Zombie and needed healing, would I let my Fearow die permanently while my Beedrill with it’s 395 Base Stat Total live on? No... not really. So If need it be, Rattata and Weedle can and will become Zombie food if it comes to happen. I am not ruthless, but I do prefer Austin, John, or Maxim over Merope and Mary. So for there own sakes they better hope that the 3 listed above don’t become zombies. But anyway, I am currently grinding my team to Level 8, to take on the optional Rival Fight.
Badges: 0
Current Lv. Cap: 14
Deaths/Infections/Sacrifices: 0
Current Team:
Anyway, that is it! That took a very long time to type. But I got it finished! So there we go. Thanks again X and Giru-Riku for being my guinea pigs, and thank gosh this is over.
I forgot this last time, but if your name is Giru-Riku and you want to know my teams or rules to some of the Nuzlockes, then just ask me :D