Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for sanntai489 (page 1)

Mar 26, 2020 by Dyla N
The Misty isn’t naked it’s a silloutte you can’t say what she’s wearing or not wearing so how bout you actually pay attention to what the heck tourbtalking about
Mar 26, 2020 by Dyla N
yeah a bit lol
Mar 26, 2020 by Grimer703608
happy birthday?
Mar 22, 2020 by iloveflareon
Happy birthday, man!
Mar 21, 2020 by Felix⠀
Thanks for replying. I'm sorry, but I'm still not going to unban that account. You said that you removed the votes, but I can still see you've left a vote on this question:
Can you please also tell me honestly whether gibberishspeakerlol does belong to someone else, or if it is simply you using an alternate account? As I've stated twice already, I'm not going to unban that account until you answer that question and remove the votes you gave to the account.
The reason I'm being so difficult with you is that mod-only pages are indicating that your account and gibberishspeakerlol are frequently using the same network to access PokeBase, which usually means the accounts belong to the same person; and as you'd be aware by now, we don't let people use two accounts at once. Please read the page linked below if you need a refresh:
Feb 21, 2020 by Fizz
I'm sorry, but your cousin cannot use this account (sanntai489). We don't allow people to share accounts here; if your cousin wants to use PokeBase, they must use their own account. I have updated the post linked above with detail about this.
Please remember you still haven't removed the votes you gave to the other account (gibberishspeakerlol), and you never replied to my message below. This is why that account is still blocked. I will unblock it if you remove the votes and answer my question honestly.
Thanks for reading.
Feb 1, 2020 by Fizz
Hey, thanks for replying.
I've decided that I'm not going to unban the account, sorry. You still haven't removed the votes from it, and the explanation you provided in your answer doesn't match what I know from the IP address both the accounts have used.
Can you tell me whether gibberishspeaker is truly another a person, or just you? I'm not going to ban you for being honest.
Dec 9, 2019 by Fizz
Hi, our modpages are saying that your account and the one linked below are linked.
You may be aware that we don't allow people to have multiple accounts here. As a precaution, I blocked the account above.
However, if the account actually does not belong to you but instead a sibling (or similar), then I will unban it. In that case, you both need to read this page, and you need to submit a reply to it:
Additionally, I can see that you have given that account up-votes, which is disallowed as per the agreement above. Please remove those votes when you see this message. When you've done this and have posted on the shared network account page, I will unban the account above.
Thanks for reading.
Dec 8, 2019 by Fizz
Dont listen to jimmy, he tried to put a rock in his butt
Nov 30, 2019 by Hellfire Taco