Welcome to another OU team by your's truly. I present to you a decently built stall team, capable of taking on the threatening (majority) part of the Gen 5 OU metagame. Based around the less noted sand inducer, this team always starts off terribly, strategically setting up the field for the table to turn, and rather quickly. Enjoy.
So, on a lonely day, not so far back, in the middle of my (English) class, I was obviously not paying attention to The Crucible, and decided that I should make a new team soon. Tired of my usual format of 50-50/2-2-2 Balanced teams, I decided it would be best, and maybe even healthy, for me to try out a new type of team i always run in to, but never gave a shot at; Stall.
Seeing that as the case, Keldeo still roams the lands of OU, and tbh, I really despise using Tyranitar, as Choiced sets really do suck (imo), and it's support set is countered and checked way too easily. So Hippowdon it was. With bragging rights as the bulkiest weather inducer, I decided to run a Phazing Hippowdon, with capability to take on even the scariest of Special Attackers (barring Water Types).
That being the case, there is absolutely only one pokemon that can take on almost every kind of water type in OU while paired Hippowdon; Jellicent. Due to Jellicent's natural bulk, every (somewhat) skilled player knows that Jellicent is the biggest pain in the butt since the invention of typewriters. And since Jellicent can take free water attacks for HP restoration, has a reliable recovery move, and boasts 2 of the best status moves, it became an irreplaceable partner for the team.
But, Rotom-W is still lurking around, and so is Specs Latios, both being threats not to just Hippowdon and Jellicent, but to practically any OU team. So of course, this being stall, one must propose to be the biggest jerk possible, and abuse of JelliThorn, and thus Ferrothorn makes its appearance again, this time, abusing the most annoying set any player can use. Tanking some scary offensive types, such as Dragon, Water, Psychic, and Electric, Ferrothorn comes in and just laughs off any damage it takes and set up all over the opponents face.
However, just because stall abuses Hazards, it doesnt mean that it likes eating up the hazards that the opponent brings upon my side of the battlefield. So Starmie, being OU's most prominent spinner was forcibly signed up for the job. Being able to take on Dancing Boosters before they begin is its main duty, and spins for a side job. Not to mention that it has some great coverage with just 3 moves :P
At least, the team is beginning to look stable, but still missing one key component; another phazer. Due to visual experience on the ladder, it's extremely hard to use phazing moves with negative priority, seeing that it's hard to heal off damage when phazing out one threat for another, and ultimately means death for your phazers. So I opted for a different type of phazing, where i could gain the upper hand most of that time; Perish Phazing. And who can perform this role better than the rare Singing Celebi?
Now, stall or not, it's really stupid not to have an immediate back up to sweep, if your phazing or set up fails. So the award for the most raw power on this team goes to my beloved Band Terrakion, serving its purpose to take out 99% of all leads, and being able to clean up the mess if any other member cant.
So there you have it, the evil behind this Sand Stall.
Vs. DB Valet
Vs. Pikamaster
VS. Ladder Hail
Vs. Gimmick team
Vs. Crappy Balanced Rain