Pokémon Rate My Team
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Volcarona @Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
Evs: 252SpA 200Spe 58Def
Nature: Modest
Bug Buzz
Giga Drain/Solarbeam
Quiver Dance

Tyrantrum @Groundium Z
Ability: Rock Head
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4HP
Nature: Adamant
Dragon Dance
Head Smash (Max PP)
Iron Head/Iron Tail

Aegislash @Spell Tag
Ability: Stance Change
Evs: 252Atk 252HP 4SpDef
Nature: Adamant
King's Shield
Iron Head
Sacred Sword
Shadow Claw

Gallade @Galladite
Ability: Steadfast ----> Inner Focus
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4SpDef
Nature: Adamant
Psycho Cut/Zen Headbutt
Brick Break
Leaf Blade
Swords Dance/Night Slash

Swampert @Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
Evs: 252Atk 252Spe 4HP
Nature: Adamant
Ice Punch
Stealth Rock

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I was thinking Clefable? Unless I remove Aegislash for Lucario and put in a Choice Scarf Gengar? But I already have a fighting type...
Lucario is only good if you mega evolve it, though mega Lucario is much better than mega Gallade.
Oh ok! Thanks anyway. Also, if I didn't use Lucario, what special attacker should I use?
I do already have a steel type though...
Mega Gengar, Pheromosa, and Naganadel are all pretty good.
Thanks - I've just caught a modest nature Gengar as follows:

Gengar @Spell Tag
Ability: Cursed Body
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4Def
Nature: Modest
Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Dazzling Gleam
Energy Ball

I was thinking of using it instead of Aegislash...
Gengar isn't very good unless you mega evolve it. Even then, mega Gengar does very different things from Aegislash. Aegislash is much better at switching into attacks, while Gengar is much better at sweeping. Figure out which one you need more and then decide.
I've just got a Jolly Nature Mareep Lvl 53 from Poke Pelago. If I ev train him in SpA and Soe, would he be a good Special Attacker to use?
Jolly decreases Special Attack unfortunately. You'd want Modest for Ampharos generally, or Timid if you prefer the Agility set.
Thanks fizz!
Maybe this:

Togekiss @Weakness Policy
Ability: Serene Grace
Evs: 252SpA 252Spe 4Def
Nature: Modest
Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Ampharos is also pretty badly outclassed by Magnezone.
Why would you use Togekiss when you can be using mega Salamence?

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