Pokémon Rate My Team
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Garganacl (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Recover
- Body Press
- Salt Cure
- Earthquake

This one is pretty self-explanatory as this a normal Garganacl moveset. Recover for HP recovery. Body Press for massive damage with Garg’s gigantic defense base stat. Salt Cure is a STAB attack that deals continues damage until the opposing Pokémon faints or switches out. Earthquake is for opposing Poison and Electric Pokémon.

Tyranitar (M) @ Smooth Rock
Ability: Sand Stream
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake

Another common moveset. Crunch for Dark STAB. Rock Slide for Rock STAB. Dragon Dance for attack and speed boosts. And Earthquake for Super-effective damage to Poison, Electric, Steel, and Rock types.

Corviknight (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mirror Armor
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 128 HP / 128 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Body Press
- Drill Peck
- Iron Head
- U-turn

This one is not one I see often (the Pokémon and the set). Body Press for again massive damage. Drill Peck as a useful Flying STAB. Iron Head is Steel STAB with a chance to flinch opposing slower Pokémon. U-Turn to switch out if needed.

Hippowdon (M) @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Sand Force
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Fire Fang
- Earthquake
- Slack Off
- Toxic

This Pokémon is very very bulky. Fire Fang is good against opposing Ferrothorn and Kartana. Earthquake is Ground STAB with good damage. Slack Off is reliable recovery. Toxic to stall opposing Pokémon to death.

Gholdengo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Make It Rain
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball

Not many people expect this item. I have beat multiple Greninja with this Thunderbolt. Make It Rain is a great Steel type STAB. Psychic is for opposing Glimmora and Clodsire which are decently common. Shadow Ball is the best Ghost STAB Gholdengo gets.

Glimmora @ Choice Specs
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Power Gem
- Dazzling Gleam
- Earth Power
- Energy Ball

Another unorthodox set. Power Gem is powerful Rock STAB. Dazzling Gleam to take care of Kommo-o. Tera Earth Power OKHO’s the standard Toxapex sets. Energy Ball is good for pretty much nothing most of the time but every time I chance it I end up needing it.

Used right this team has made many people forfeit because the just were not expecting these sets.

edited by
Mega-Lopunny isn't in Gen 9 OU, only in NatDex.
Is this for NatDex OU?
Yes, sorry. I'm an idiot I'll fix it now. I just copied the explanation from an earlier explanation that I had wrote. In reaality it is good for Glimmora and Clodsire.

2 Answers

2 votes

As I see it, Sand in SV is very, very rare. There is no Excadrill to abuse Sand, Lycanroc is underwhelming (wait you don't even have Lycanroc), and Great Tusk is a body to literally most of the team. Instead of going over the individual Pokemon, I feel like the strategy overall needs a big overhaul. Lets point out the main flaws:

Cleanup Potential: There are two "cleaners" on the team: DD Ttar and Gholdengo. However, DD Ttar is bodied by, you guessed it, Great Tusk, while Gholdengo's perk is its speed with scarf, which, while able to clean up a weakened team, comes with the condition that the team must be weakened first. Not an easy task with this team.

Defense: There is no reason why the combination of Great Tusk and Iron Valiant can't steamroll through this team (or do massive damage). Tusk can pick up a Rapid Spin on many passive mons on the team and bowl over everything except for post-tera Garg, Corv, and Hippo. Valiant's Thunderbolt handles the first two, and its strong Moonblast hits Hippo for tons of damage. If Hippo opts to Tera Fire, fine, get nuked by Tusk. There are also numerous other threats to this team, such as Samurott-H, which can pack Sacred Sword for Garg and Ttar, and Greninja, largely for the same reasons as Samurott-H, but also packing Grass Knot for post Tera Garg.

With the weaknesses listed, now let's try and remove these one by one.

Cleanup Potential: The only way to make this team semi-viable is to stray away from the Sand theme. Remove Hippowdown - its far too passive. Instead, use Kingambit (all Pokemon I recommend will have sets at the end of this answer). Gambit has great cleanup potential with its potent Sucker Punches boosted by Supreme Overlord, and its Priority helps with potential revenge killing issues that this team may run into.

Defense: This Corviknight set needs to change. Corviknight specializes in spamming roost and sitting on opponents, and the current set does not achieve this goal. Remove the AV and put in Rocky Helmet for physical chip. Use a moveset of Body Press, U-Turn, Defog, and Roost. This allows for hazard removal along with some offense and pivoting. Shift your EVs to max out HP and Def (last 4 in Atk), and go for a +Def, -SpA nature. Use pressure as the ability (Mirror armor is far too situational, and Intimidate doesn't affect is as much now that its only using Atk for U-Turn). To handle the Electric weakness, simply go into Scarf Gholdengo and fire a Make it Rain. It'll do big damage to anything.

Other Suggestions: Trick on Gholdengo over Psychic provides better counterplay against stall teams, as it allows for a member to be permanently crippled. Opt for a bulkier set on Ttar (I'll provide one) as dragon dance doesn't allow ttar to do anything of note in this Tusk-infested meta.

Kingambit @ Black Glasses
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 116 Def / 140 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Kowtow Cleave
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head

A more offensive Kingambit variant using Tera Dark and Black Glasses. 140 Speed Evs outspeed Corviknight, and the rest is dumped in Defense. Pretty self explanatory, this is meant to clean up if all else fails and act as an emergancy setup sweeper check.

Tyranitar (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sand Stream
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power

Special Ttar is one of the few ways it can do some sort of damage. Ice Beam hits Tusk, Thunderbolt hits Pex, and EP hits Heatran. Assault Vest makes the most of the Special Defense Boost, and Tera Flying Ensures that there is some defensive counterplay when it comes to tabling the turns on a weakened Iron Valiant.

I'm not the most familiar with sand, and so I don't know if my suggestions are completely accurate to the meta. However, I hope I gave enough suggestions to net some more success with this team on the ladder.

0 votes

Here are my comments on this team:

This is an unconventional team with some unexpected sets that could catch opponents off guard. The main strengths I see are:

• Bulky cores - Garganacl, Tyranitar and Corviknight form a bulky core that can take a hit and reset the battle.

• Mixed attacking types - The team has a good mix of offensive types between Water, Rock, Steel, Fire and Ground to hit most opponents for super effective damage.

• Choice items - The choice items on Gholdengo and Glimmora allow for big surprise attacks but limit switching options.

Potential weaknesses could be:

• Lack of priority moves - The team has no fake out, bullet punch, mach punch, etc. This could make outspeeding tricky.

• Predictability - Once opponents see the initial attacks from Gholdengo and Glimmora, they'll know the choice item and play around it.

• Glaring weaknesses - Types like fairy, fighting and ice could give the team trouble since there are no counters for them.

Overall, I think the unconventional sets and bulky cores give this team a unique dynamic that could catch opponents off guard. But the lack of priority, item predictability and type weaknesses indicate it may struggle against more balanced teams. Still, in lower tiers where people don't prepare as much for niche strategies, this team could definitely find success.

So, what are your suggestions?
Add a bit more speed control.
Consider another resist to Water moves since you only have Hippowdon really resisting them well.
Provide a secondary way to deal with Psychic/Fighting types.
Improve your defensive typing weaknesses.
Increase special bulk .
Add a pivoting supporter.
Explore alternate items.
Refine EVs/Natures to best suit key roles on each mon.
If you're gonna answer, you need to be more specific in your answer.
What specific Pokemon do you suggest to deal with/resist the types you mention? What movesets, items, natures, and EVs should they run? Which team members should be replaced, and why? What specific opposing Pokemon do you see causing problems for this team, and which Pokemon do you suggest to deal with them?
Which alternate items do you suggest? What EV spreads and Natures should be changed/refined? what are the new items and EVs, and why do you suggest changing them?

Right now, this isn't a complete answer. You point out flaws, but you don't make an effort to provide suggestions that actually changes and improve the team. You need to fix the problems you see instead of pointing them out (Ex: say specific things like "[This Pokemon] with [this move] and [this EV spread and item]  can counter [opposing Pokemon], which poses a threat to your team," instead of "Your team is weak to water."). Suggest things to fix the flaws in the team instead of simply pointing them out.