Goku x reader
He is a hustler, he's no good at all
"omg NOOOOO" (y/n) yolled, herr beatiful (e/c) orbs cryign tears of sandess
He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum
seh cride tiers beacuse goham was died!
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable
he was daed in a pool of blod and their was blood
He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun
(y/n)s gorejus (h/c) hair felled over har eys ass sh e cryed
I know you told me I should stay away
"nog ohan wy died thas happen to yuo" shet creyed
I know you said he's just a dog astray
she had lovead gohand whith all her hrate
He's a bad boy with a tainted heart
adn now hewas kiled
And even I know this ain't smart!
(y/n) wa sso distracht taht she wisht tjat she cold cri and dei
But mama, I'm in love with a criminal
but she din't beacuse she knowned hes hade tobe strogn
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
butt it was hrad becauz she lved goahn
Mama, please don't cry, I will be alright
vut ehen she was crird somone burshed teh (h/c) hare owt of hor (e/c) eyeses
All reason aside, I just can't deny, love the guy
ut was golu!
He is a villain by the devil's law
(y/n) aree yo ok?"he aksed
He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun
"no1 oghan is DID!" she soboed!
The man's a snitch and unpredictable
"im soryr" giku sayed
He's got no conscience, he got none, none, none, none
(y/n) criead adn huguged hi and whil criing wiht taers coimg frome hear (e/c) obrs
Oh, I know, should've let go, but no
"i loge you (y/n)" hee sadi!
'Cause he's a bad boy with a tainted heart
"i loev uou to wade did you sae yuu LVOED ME!?!?" sha gapsed!!
And even I know this ain't smart!
"yeas i olve you you re so prettifull (y/n)" he spoked!"buy waht abot che-chi!!? yorure MAREID!!!!" (y/n) scraemed adn cried!
But mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
(y/n) gpasped tears!
Mama, please don't cry, I will be alright
"u kiledd hera cebause y ou wer BETTAR! an gohna adn trunck andd vegita amd theyre all died becusa tey dead ad i KILED THEM!!! becuaise i lovue you!!!! now yore all mien!!" goky lahgged!
All reason aside, I just can't deny, love the guy
(y/n) gapsed!
May 26, 2023
2 hours from now
What the hell
2 hours from now
It's not.
2 hours from now
That has to be a mistake
2 hours from now
I know right?
2 hours from now
Explanation, straight from the keyboard of the person talking about it:
"God, I could barely follow this story. Um, so, khpwnage and ficgirl555, who are known only by their handlenames for the first part of the fic, oddly, get blown out a window and into the Pokemon world."
May 24, 2023