Ask separate questions in this case, since the answer to one of the questions doesn't really affect the others.
Nov 23, 2021
no he has more what
Nov 23, 2021
Greninja, Venusuar, Garchomp, Aegislash, Lucario and Talonflame. That was for my regular playthru. Can't remember the one on my nuzlocke
Nov 23, 2021
Senjumommy Senpai
I would say I never heard of it, but you probably expect that. XD
Nov 22, 2021
XY because of pokemon variety and the exp share. Saved me a lot of time from grinding
Nov 22, 2021
Senjumommy Senpai
Yep. E Nomine is my favorite band. I believe it's German and Latin, and it sounds pretty dang good most of the time. Some of my favorite songs from them are Mitternacht, Deine Welt, and one song with a long name that I dunno how to spell. It's a beautiful song, though, so I might have to figure out its name and mention it to you. So if you ever wanna listen to some cool random music you likely know nothing about, I recommend E Nomine. There are also a few English songs from a different band that I like, but they're inappropriate, so yeah.
Nov 21, 2021