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I was thinking physic or ghost but I don't really mind.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Chandelure is UU and carries a Special Attack stat of 145. A Ghost-Fire Type.

Exeggutor is NU and carries a Special Attack stat of 125. A Grass-Psychic Type.

Darmanitan-Z is Limbo and carries a Special Attack stat of 140. A Fire-Psychic Type.

Porygon-Z is UU and carries a Special Attack stat of 135. Can be raised with its Ability, Download. A Normal Type.

Just a few examples.

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Thank you, what is UU and nu and limbo?
Tiers that classify Pokes based on usage.
They are tiers for competetive battling
The tiers are:
Uber - Highest
OU - Second highest
UU - In Gen I the lowest
RU - Better than NU, worse than UU. Only existent in Gen V
NU - The bottom
LC - Levels 5's only, unevolved Pokemon. This does not mean they are bad Pokemon.
Limbo, BL, BL2, and NFE are unplayable tiers, however the Pokemon in them can be used in other tiers.
That helps
Gastrodon is UU I think, and carries a spatk stat of 90 iirc, it has pretty decent stats all around js