I've been breeding in Black 1, I've been trying to get a shiny sewaddle via Masuda Method. I've been breeding for 4 weeks now. I've filled 12 boxes with nothing but non-shiny sewaddle. Am I doing something wrong? I got a sewaddle from Japan from the GTS. I put it with a ditto I caught from my country (which is not Japan). And still no shiny. Am I doing something wrong?
Its just so rare in getting a shiny.Try and just dont give up.Chances are 1/1366.
No you're fine but the chance is still pretty low. Source
Sorry to bum you out, but you have a 0.07 chance in getting a shiny Pokemon. But if you keep trying, you just might get the Sewaddle that you want. EDIT
So I guess you are breeding a Pokemon that is from your country and one that from another country. And if you aren't then I suggest getting a Pokemon from another country and breeding yours and the other.
Hope this helps! :) SS99