Recently I decided to play Gold again, which I hadn’t touched since its release ~20 years ago. Unlike child me, I was prepared to do a bit of research regarding movesets and Pokémon/TM locations before starting the game. I wanted a team that:
- Was reliable to capture and field moves for (nothing relying on Friendship, trading, hatching eggs, or headbutting trees for several hours)
- Didn’t require a ton of grinding (no spending half a day leveling a Dratini)
- Included all of the available utility TMs/HMs, at all times (once everything has been captured). This was so one could use the team to capture everything & complete the dex while still having decent coverage options through the game.
In the end, I settled on a team that contained 2 HM slaves, which meant the game was completed with 4 battle ready Pokémon. As GSC can technically be completed with 1 battle ready Pokémon (see speedrun videos), I didn’t see this as much of an issue. It also meant minimal time spent grinding, as the team easily kept up level wise with in-game challenges.
So here’s the team. All of the Pokémon on this list can be captured after completing the Fog Badge (Gym 4), and fall under the definition of Mixed Sweepers. Held items haven’t been included. I’ve added moveset progressions, given how important they are early in the game.

- Strength (HM)
- Surf (HM)
- Ice Punch (TM)
- Dig (TM)
Scratch -> Dig (TM, National Park)
Water Gun -> Surf (HM, Ecruteak City)
Leer -> Bite (for Morty) -> Strength (HM, Olivine City)
Rage -> Ice Punch (TM, Goldenrod City)
I chose Feraligatr mainly because of Morty. I wanted a Dark attacker that wasn’t: a Fire Dog/Fox that couldn’t evolve for ages, a Normal Pokemon with poor stats/move coverage, or a bird that required Headbutt to capture.
Strength for moving boulders and to make use of that Attack stat, Surf because it’s standard on Water ‘mon, Ice Punch for Grass/Dragon/Flying coverage, Dig to get out of caves.

Ampharos (Gold/Silver only)
- Thunder Punch
- Fire Punch (TM)
- Iron Tail (TM)
- Light Screen
Growl -> Fire Punch (TM, Goldenrod City)
Thundershock -> Thunder Punch
Tackle -> Iron Tail (TM, defeat Jasmine)
Thunder Wave -> Light Screen
Mareep has good all-round stats, is available early, and gets great move coverage. Nothing more to say really, other than ‘sorry Crystal players’!
Thunder Punch because free high-damage STAB at level 30 (or earlier if you’re desperate), Fire Punch for Grass/Steel/Ice coverage, Iron Tail for Rock coverage (and also Physical coverage), Light Screen as cover for other Pokémon to switch in vs strong Special Attackers.

- Cut (HM)
- Razor Leaf
- Sludge Bomb (TM)
- Sleep Powder
Vine Whip -> Razor Leaf
Growth -> Cut (HM, Ilex Forest)
Wrap -> Acid -> Sludge Bomb (TM, Route 43)
Sleep Powder
Bell is also available early, gets Sleep Powder at level 15, and is about as awesome as it was in Gen 1 (though Vine Whip has less PP, which is a little sad). Sadly it cannot evolve until reaching Kanto (unless one gets lucky with a phone call), but is still decent as Weepinbell until then.
Razor Leaf because special STAB, Cut for clearing bushes and Normal coverage, Sludge Bomb because physical STAB , Sleep Powder because Sleep is silly.

- Fly (HM)
- Thief (TM)
- Psychic (most likely a TM)
- Giga Drain (TM)
Teleport -> Fly (HM, defeat Chuck)
Peck -> Thief (TM, Mahogany Town Rocket Hideout)
Leer -> Future Sight -> Psychic (TM, Celadon City)
Night Shade -> Giga Drain (TM, defeat Erika)
Xatu is the Flyer and while it starts small, it eventually gets decent move coverage once it hits Kanto. Xatu requires a bit of care to get it to evolve from a level 20 Natu, but once it hits 25, evolves, and learns Fly from Chuck’s wife, it’s smooth sailing from there.
Fly because STAB (and flying beats walking), Thief for Psychic/Ghost coverage and to potentially steal items mid-fight, Psychic because high Special Attack+STAB, Giga Drain for Rock/Ground/Water coverage.
And then the 2 HM slaves:

- Flash (HM, Sprout Tower in Violet Town)
- Sweet Scent (TM, Ilex/Route 34 Guardhouse)
- Rock Smash (TM, Route 36 after removing Sudowoodo)

- Headbutt (TM, Ilex Forest)
- Whirlpool (HM, Mahogany Town Rocket Hideout)
- Waterfall (HM, Ice Path)
These 2 Pokémon can both be caught/fished in Ilex Forest, which is around about the time that their utility moves start to appear. If one wishes, these two HM slaves can be switched out for Legendaries if/when they are captured, however I never ran into any issues by running a 4-mon team.
Alternative Crystal Team
For the sake of balance, here's one potential team that instead contains 6 battle ready Pokemon, should work well for Crystal, AND contains all available utility moves. I would argue that the team is not reliable to capture and field moves for, would require trading, and would require more grinding to avoid being underlevelled.
I won't go into as much detail, just the movesets:
Typhlosion (starter)
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Punch (TM)
- Strength (HM)
- Dig (TM)
Victreebel (Route 32)
- Sweet Scent (TM)
- Razor Leaf
- Sludge Bomb (TM)
- Sleep Powder
Poliwrath (fished from Ruins of Alph with Old Rod)
- Surf (HM)
- Waterfall (HM)
- Whirlpool (HM)
- Headbutt (TM)
Alakazam (Route 34 + trade)
- Psychic
- Thunder Punch (TM)
- Ice Punch (TM)
- Fire Punch or Reflect (starter already has Fire STAB)
Fearow (before Whitney via Headbutt trees)
- Fly
- Return
- Steel Wing
- Thief (Pursuit for Morty)
Heracross (before Whitney via Headbutt trees, hopefully!)
- Cut (HM)
- Rock Smash (TM)
- Megahorn (Fury Cutter beforehand)
- Earthquake (TM)
And finally, a walkthrough of how I found my Pokemon/TMs/HMs and beat the game. I tried to fight all trainers, collect items, and catch any new Pokémon that I stumbled into, though I don’t explicitly state this in the walkthrough (so I’m stating it here!).
Do all the intro stuff. Get Totodile to about level 10 before attempting 1st Gym. Use Rage+Berries held by Totodile.
Capture Mareep and Bellsprout on Route 32. Use Mareep to clear Sprout Tower and grab Flash, use Bellsprout to fight Water/Rock ‘mon on Route 32 and Union Cave. Grab Old Rod from Poke Centre on Route 32. Leave Ruins of Alph for later.
Get Mareep and Bellsprout to about level 15 before attempting 2nd gym. Use Flaaffy/Thundershock for Bugsy, use Sleep Powder and/or Thunder Wave on Bayleef for Rival Battle (probably the most difficult battle early game TBH, but after this everyone gets Grass coverage so it’s fine).
Catch Paras and fish for Poliwag in Ilex Forest after grabbing Cut. Teach Cut/Flash/Headbutt to Bell/Paras/Poliwag. Talk to lady in north Ilex Forest guardhouse, teach Sweet Scent to Paras.
Use Bell and Totodile as mains up until 3rd gym. Buy Fire Punch (for Flaaffy) and Ice Punch (for Dile) from Goldenrod Dept. Store, clear underground path, grab a bike. If possible, evolve Totodile/Bell at levels 18/21 before fighting Whitney. Use Sleep on Miltank to stop it from repeatedly healing + interrupt Rollout damage.
After defeating Whitney, grab Squirtbottle. Set Croconaw as lead, then bike your way to National Park. Head through the gap in the fence on NE side of park (it has no chairs behind it blocking the way), then head SW and grab Dig. Teach Dig to Croc.
Aim to get Croc to around level 25 before attempting the 4th gym. Squirt Sudo, learn Rock Smash from nearby NPC, teach to Paras. Once in Ecruteak, clear dance house and grab Surf for Croc, THEN do Gym. Use Bite/Dig to clear out the Ghosts, keep some Awakenings handy for Gengar.
Now that you have Surf, clear party so that 1 Pokémon slot is available (via Bill’s PC), and backpedal to Route 32. Head down to lower level of Union Cave, Surf across small body of water, then head to NW exit. Capture Level 20 Natu in the grass, then use Teleport to get back to Ecruteak City.
Stock up on Potions, then head to Burned Tower. Lead with Croc for Rival battle. After that, lead with Natu if you can to level it up, else use bait-and-switch tactic in a similar manner to levelling Magikarp.
After the tower, battle your way to Olivine City. Once at Olivine, grab Strength from Sailor, teach it to Croc, then clear Lighthouse.
Once you’ve reached Jasmine, stock up on Potions and Antidotes, and Surf! If Natu hasn’t evolved yet, switching from Natu-> Flaaffy mid-fight is a good way to evolve both of them. There are heaps of trainers between Olivine and Cianwood, so you should fight them and aim to have at least: Ampharos (level 30), Feraligatr (level 30), Weepinbell at 25 and Xatu at 25, before taking on the 5th gym.
Your team should now be strong enough for any Pokémon to lead, so rotate them around to ensure they all stay around the same level going forward. Grab medicine, fight Chuck (mainly with Amph and Xatu), get Fly, then fly back to Olivine. Fire Punch your way through Jasmine's 6th gym.
You should now have all utility moves available bar the endgame Water HMs, so explore! Take a look through Mt Mortar and Dark Cave if you wish. Otherwise, head to Mahogany Town.
Head to Lake of Rage, kill/capture the Gyarados, then fly back to Mahogany. Clear Rocket Hideout, grabbing Thief (Xatu) and Whirlpool (Poliwag) along the way. After defeating Team Rocket, double back to the Route 43 Gatehouse and grab Sludge Bomb (Bell). Use Gatr/Amph for the 7th gym and Pryce.
Grab Waterfall (for Poliwag) from Ice Cave and do the Waterfall things. By this point, the only moves left to secure are Kanto TMs for Xatu, so I’m just going to summarise which ‘mon work for each major encounter.
Rival battles: Ampharos can effectively solo his team, just be careful with Confusion/Paralysis/Curse.
Blackthorn/Clair's 8th gym: Feraligatr does well with Ice Punch; be careful with Paralysis and Thunderbolt on one of the Dragonair.
Indigo Plateau/Will: Buy potions! Xatu/Amph should do well, just be careful of Jynx.
- Koga: Use Xatu/Amph.
- Bruno: Use Xatu/Bell.
- Karen: Use Gatr/Amph, switch to Bell and use Sleep if Sand Attack is annoying.
- Lance: Use Amph/Gatr.
- Brock: Use Bell.
- Misty: Use Bell/Amph. Grab Leaf Stone from Bill's House and evolve Bell if you haven't already.
- Surge: Use Amph with Light Screen/Fire Punch.
- Pick up Psychic from Mr Psychic, teach to Xatu.
- Erika: Use Xatu for Erika, then teach Giga Drain to Xatu.
- Sabrina: Use Xatu with Fly/Thief.
- Janine: Use Xatu.
- Blaine: Use Gatr.
Blue: Lead with Amph, switch in whatever is necessary.
Pallet/Mt Silver/Red: Lead with Amph and use Light Screen, as 5/6 of Red’s Pokémon are special attackers. Amph > Pikachu (Fire Punch), Xatu > Venusaur (Psychic) and Espeon (Thief), Gatr > Charizard (Surf), Bell > Blastoise (Leaf) and Snorlax (Sleep Powder + Sludge Bombs).
Alternatively, just solo Red with Amph, using Pikachu to set up. Use Guard Spec / 2 X Atk / 2 X Def / 2 X Specials / 2 X Spe, Full Restores when necessary, and Light Screen ESPECIALLY for Espeon.
And that’s it. Hope this helps someone!