PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
9 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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30 Answers

0 votes

Here is a Crystal team I recommend:

-Fire blast
-Hidden power (Fighting)/Swift/Extreme speed

-Swift/Double kick/Pin misile
-Shadow ball
-Thunder shock

-Ice beam
-Rain dance

Sunflora Or better Vileplume
-Razor leaf -Razor leaf/Sunny day
-solar Beam -Solar beam
-Petal dance -Sludge bomb/Acid/Toxic
-Giga Drain -Petal dance/Giga drain/

-Rock Smash
-Rollout/Rapid spin

-Ancient power

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I might try, but what starter?
You should replace Sunflora with Meganium, it's Far more useful than Sunflora, also it can learn support moves like synthesis or reflect.
 and for Flying types you can change ancient power of corsola and replace it for recover.
its flamethrower not fire thrower
why use Corsola? Use Lanturn or Quagsire instead, they have more bulk, more offence and better move pools especially Quagsire being Water/Ground type making it have one weakness and matches up well against a majority of the boss fights in the game.
0 votes

Pokemon Crystal Team- Feraligatr, Arcanine, Electabuzz, Espeon, Dragonite, and Celebi


Ice Punch/Beam
Slash/Hydro Pump

Feraligatr is a solid starter just like Typhlosion. Surf is STAB and very useful in the field. Ice Punch or Ice Beam is great coverage and really good against Claire and Lance. Earthquake is another coverage move, this time taking advantage of Feraligatr’s great attack stat. Slash is good for crits or you can use Hydro Pump for power.


Iron Tail

Flamethrower is very useful STAB, and Dig and Iron Tail are great coverage options. Extremespeed is powerful priority. Arcanine is an amazing Pokemon.


Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Wave

In Pokemon Crystal, Electabuzz can be evolved from Elekid at level 30. Elekid can be hatched from the Odd Egg given by the Day Care Man outside of Goldenrod City. Thunderbolt is there for STAB. Ice Punch and Fire Punch give amazing versatility and coverage. Thunder Wave is there for utility.


Shadow Ball
Morning Sun

Espeon, funny enough, is a psychic type destroyer. Shadow Ball and Bite let it eat Psychic types for breakfast. Psychic is obvious STAB and hits ridiculously hard. Despite the nerf to Psychic's this gen, it still is a great move. Morning Sun is for some nice recovery.


Steel Wing

Time to make use of that new Steel typing introduced in this generation! Skarmory is a Steel/Flying type, really good type and one of the best Flying Pokemon in the game. Fly is STAB and gets you around, Steel Wing is also STAB, Return can hit hard with max friendship, and Toxic is a great move for a wall like Skarmory.


Giga Drain
Leech Seed

Not gonna lie, this game has a godawful leveling curve, so having 6 Pokemon on your team is doing you a disservice more than anything. So if you have the Virtual Console version of Pokemon Crystal, use Celebi, not really as a teammate, but as an extra spot/bragging right. If you don't, then I would suggest just keeping an HM slave as your last Pokemon.

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Electabuzz can only be obtained in the odd egg in crystal I beleive. You should add that
Will do, thanks!
0 votes



  1. Surf [Water]
  2. Ice Punch [Ice]
  3. Blizzard [Ice]
  4. Hydropump [Water]



  1. Dragonbreath [Dragon]
  2. Hyperbeam [Normal]
  3. Hydropump [Water]
  4. Surf [Water]



  1. Psychic [Psychic]
  2. Toxic [Poison]
  3. Giga Drain [Grass]
  4. Leech Seed [Grass]



  1. Zap Cannon [Electric]
  2. Tri Attack [Normal]
  3. Thunderbolt [Electric]
  4. Lock-On [Normal]



  1. Outrage [Dragon]
  2. Surf [Water]
  3. Thunder [Electric]
  4. Blizzard [Ice]



  1. Crunch [Dark]
  2. Rockslide [Rock]
  3. Thunderbolt [Electric]
  4. Earthquake [Ground]
The move sets are really bad.
These moves are ok, but try not to reuse types. Also how did you get Tyranitar?
0 votes

Typhlosion @ Charcoal
- Flamethrower
- Thunder Punch
- Iron Tail
- Sunny Day

{From Odd Egg In Goldenrod-City}
Jynx @ Never-Melt-Ice
-Lovely Kiss
-Mean Look
(Note: If you want a easy time getting the beast use this Pokemon, use mean look and lovely kiss and start spamming ultra balls)

(Gold and Silver users only)
{Route 32, 42, and 43}
Ampharos @ Magnet
-Light Screen
-Fire Punch
-Thunder Punch

(Crystal users)
{Ilex Forest, Night only}
Vileplume @ Miracle Seed
-Petal Dance
-Sludge Bomb
-Sleep Powder
-Moonlight/Stun Spore
( Wait till level 44 to evolve gloom, don't use bellosom it's slow..)

{From Bill}
Umbreon @ Leftovers
- Feint Attack
- Shadow Ball
- Return
- Detect
{East Of Morty's Gym Morning Only}
Tauros (M)
- Thrash
- Rock Smash
- Strength
- Earthquake

{Dragon's Den}
Dragonite @ Dragon Fang
- Outrage
- Fly
- Fire Punch
- Surf

Hope you enjoy this GSC team. <3

0 votes

This team is intended for Crystal, but I will recommend alternatives for Gold/Silver. I will not be including egg moves on this team.

1. Typhlosion
• Flamethrower (Stab)
• ThunderPunch (Coverage)
• Earthquake (Coverage)
• DynamicPunch (Coverage)

Typhlosion is my favorite Johto starter and in my opinion, the best starter. Cyndaquil/Quilava does really well early on in the game beating Sprout Tower and Bugsy. Later in the game it does well against Jasmine, Pryce, Koga, Janine, and Erika. Since Typhlosion doesn't learn Flamethrower until level 60, just use Fire Punch until then.

2. Golem
• Rollout (Stab)
• Earthquake (Stab)
• Curse/Strength (Status/HM)
• Explosion (Emergency Situation)

• Rock Slide (Stab)
• Earthquake (Coverage)
• Low Kick (Coverage)
• Strength (HM)

Golem is a great Pokemon in gen 2. It can be caught very early in the game on Route 46 as a Geodude. Early game, it beats Falkner, Bugsy, Morty, and resists Whitney. Later in the game, it does well against Koga, Karen to some degree, Lt. Surge, Janine, and Blaine. It also does well against Team Rocket beating the majority of their Pokemon.

For an alternative if you can't trade, I recommend Sudowoodo over Graveler because it has better stats and still has a decent move pool. You don't get it until after the third gym, but if you can't get Golem, it's definitely worth it.

3. Crobat
• Fly (Stab and HM)
• Confuse Ray (Status)
• Giga Drain (Coverage)
• Return (To hit hard)

Crobat is one of the best flying types in gen 2 and is a cool Pokemon. It can be caught early on as a Zubat in Dark Cave. Not going to lie, it's kinda bad early game but it slowly gets better the further you get into the game and it's definitely worth it in the end. It does well against Morty with Bite, Chuck, Bruno, Janine, and Erika.

4. Exeggutor
• Solarbeam (Stab)
• Psychic (Stab)
• Sludge Bomb (Coverage)
• Sunny Day (Pair with Solarbeam)

• ThunderPunch (Stab)
• Thunder (Stab)
• Fire Punch (Coverage)
• Thunder Wave (Status)

Exeggutor is a pretty solid Pokemon and outclasses Victreebel. It can be caught after the second gym as an Exeggcute using headbutt. It might be a little hard to use at first but once you get to level 19 and learn Confusion, you won't look back. It does well against Morty, Chuck, Koga, Bruno, Janine, Misty, and Brock. It also does well against Team Rocket's poison types.

If your playing Gold/Silver, I recommend Amphoras. It's the best electric type in the game and can be found on Route 32. Also unlike Crystal you can't get a Leaf Stone until the post game in Gold/Silver.

5. Umbreon
• Faint Attack (Stab)
• Confuse Ray (Status)
• Toxic (Status)
• Shadow Ball (Hit Psychics with Physical move)

Umbreon is a Pokemon that can take hits real well and counter all of the Psychic and Ghost types throughout the game. It can be obtained after the third gym by Bill in Goldenrod City as an Eevee. It does well against Morty (If you breed and evolve it by then), Will, and Sabrina. It's also useful to have against some of your Rival's Pokemon.

6. Lapras
• Surf (Stab and HM)
• Ice Beam (Stab)
• Confuse Ray (Status)
• Rain Dance/Body Slam (Power up Surf/Filler)

Lapras is one of the best water types in the game with solid stats all around. It can be found after the fourth gym deep within Union Cave on Friday's. It does well against Clair, Lance, Brock, and Blaine.

What do you guys think of this team?

0 votes

Used this team recently for crystal and played through the game quite easily. Do note that you'll have to wait quite a bit to catch these Pokemon, and they aren't that easy to catch either.

Solar Beam (TM)
Sunny Day (TM)
Body slam
Meganium is really bulky, and I chose it over Typhosion cuz there is a good fire type option in Arcanine, while Feraligatr is a physical attacker so it's water moves won't be as powerful. Set up a sunny day and then use solar beam to deal 120 damage each turn, while synthesis can heal to full HP. Sunny day can also be used to power up other Pokémon's fire type moves.

Fire Blast (TM)
Extreme Speed
Iron tail (TM)
Dragon Breath/Dig/Bite (TM)
Catch a Growlithe before the first Gym in the route west of Violet city. Look online for a way to get a fire stone from Schoolboy Alan before you have to go to Kanto.

Alakazam / Kadabra
Fire punch (TM)
Ice punch (TM)
Thunder punch (TM)
Catch Abra in the route north of Ilex Forest, and bear in mind that it has a low encounter rate and will immediately try to teleport. If you do manage to catch it however, you can level it up to evolve into Kadabra and immediately trade it to evolve again into Alakazam. The 3 TMs can be obtained before the 3rd badge, and Alakazam can easily carry you in the early parts of the game.

Earthquake (TM)
Flamethrower (Taught by Bill's father after defeating champion) / Fire blast / Shadow Ball (TM )
Surf (HM)
Body slam / Ice beam / Thunderbolt
Some of these moves aren't available before beating the champion, but you do have alternatives due to Nidoqueen's wide movepool. Nidoran can be caught in Safari Zone prior to the third badge, and you can get a moon stone as soon as you get Surf. You can also go for Nidoking if you'd prefer it over Nidoqueen. Too bad it doesn't get a STAB poison move as it can't learn sludge bomb.

Ice beam
Surf (HM)
Body slam / Psychic (TM)
You can catch a level 20 Lapras deep in Union Cave (on Fridays only) after you get Surf, which sadly is after the fourth badge. Lapras in my opinion is better than Gyarados due to Gyarados being a physical attacker while water type moves are special, and doesn't get a flying type move. Again, not easy to catch, but reliable team member.

Fire blast (TM) / Flamethrower
Surf (HM) / Ice beam / Thunderbolt
Dratini is obtained from the Dragon master only after defeating the last Gym Leader, but Dragonite is a great Pokemon and is a pseudo-legend. You can change some of the moves here, but I recommend Surf to take on Rock types and a fire attack to take on Steel types, while the other 2 are stab. Outrage is learned really late, so you can use dragon breath as STAB until then. There is the option to go for Crobat or Pidgeot as the flying type if you don't want to wait so long and want a flyer on your team.

Other Pokemon you can use if you don't want any of these:
An eeveelution from the Eevee that Bill gives.
Heracross to take on dark types.

0 votes

Although this post is 9 years old it's still fun to share.

I used

Item: Never Melt Ice
Surf (STAB)
Ice Punch (Coverage)
Dig (Coverage)

Item: Leftovers/Blackglasses
Faint Attack (A lot of Pokemon in-game know Double Team or Sand Attack, so no accuracy check helps, and STAB)
Curse (Set up for a MAX Damage Shadow Ball)
Toxic (Whittle down tanks)
Shadow Ball (Psychic and Ghost coverage)

Item: Magnet
Thunder Punch (STAB)
Light Screen
Thunder (STAB and Paralyze chance)
Strength (HM Obligation)

Alakazam (I played it on Virtual Console so I could trade, if playing on emulator it'd just be Kadabra)
Psychic (Duh)
Fire Punch (Steel, Ice, Grass coverage)
Reflect (To tank hard hitters, granted he's going to outspeed everything anyway)

Fly (HM Obligation)
Aeroblast (STAB, duh)
Psychic (Duh)
Icy Wind (Coverage in case Feraligatr is out of commission)

Tyranitar, for fun
Item: Amulet Coin cause why not
Earthquake (His 135 Base Atk + Electric coverage, though you can just use Donphan)
Rock Slide (STAB)
Crunch (STAB, strongest Dark Type move in the game)
Maybe Fire or Ice Punch for Grass coverage

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Please give explanations as to why you chose these Pokemon.
I'll edit the post to provide such info
0 votes


Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Sunny Day

Your starter, its the best pick for gen 2 as the fire typing does well in these games and typlosion having access to some electric type coverage is really nice and decent attack means it will hit hard with Earthquake


Drill Peck

The best in-game flyer, you can get Kenya the Spearow at Golden Rod city near the entrance to the route after you exit the city. Fearow has access to Drill Peck the best flying type stab move in the game and has good attack and high speed stat being accessible earlier than other flyers


Rock Throw

This mon will dominate the early game as its typing makes it useful against the first 2 gyms, walls the 3rd and counters the 4th gym with the ghastly line not having levitate in this game. Its a good psychical wall with a high psychical attack stat access to curse makes it even more psychically good. (P.S Graveler is still a decent Pokemon if you cant trade to evolve Golem just give it the same moveset as I have)


Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch

This is the DOOM Slayer of G/S/C as its coverage + psychic stab makes it almost impossible to counter as nothing in the game resists this coverage it can be fount as an abra not to late before the 3rd gym and can be easily taught the elemental punches by purchasing them in the Goldenrod Department Store keep using abra with the elemental punches and it will evolve into Kababra at level 16 gaining psychic stab. (P.S If you cant trade to get Alakazam its fine because same with the Graveler/Golem line Kababra is still decent just give it the same moveset as I have}


Ice Beam

The best water type for G/S/C, very bulky and good offense with wide movepool. It can only be fount on a Friday at Union Cave but its worth getting as you will have the answer to Clair and Lance


Thunder Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Wave

Your early game electric type, Ampharos is decently bulky with good offense and is easy to get, its a shame we cant get it before Falkner so we cant use its electric typing but at least we get it before Bugsy to kill his Scyther.


Thunder Wave
Lock On

If your playing Crystal you cant get the Mareep line outside of trading so this is a good alternative, Magneton has good defenses with a really good typing and high special attack stat. Using Lock On+Thunder is a good combo I highly recommend it for Crystal players because STAB-Thunder will destroy any Water or Flying types standing in your way


Ice Punch
Fire Punch

This is for Crystal players, Electabuzz is a really good electric type mon with high attack and special attack being able to be used as a mixed attacker and it's decently fast. (P.S Electabuzz can be only fount as an Elekid in Crystal in Gold/Silver you cant find one until the Kanto-Post game)

Have fun using this team :)

0 votes

Feraligtor Edition


Ice Punch

A solid water type mon, your starter its psychical attack stat is way higher than its special attack stat which is a problem as all water moves are special in gen 2 however it has access to other psychical coverage. Its really good to have and it will be your answer to Lances entire team with Surf/Ice Punch combo


Drill Peck

Best-in game flyer, you can get a gift spearow at the exit of goldenrod city that lead to National park. Fearow has a good psychical attack stat and high speed stat with access to drill peck one of the best flying type move in the game I highly recommend it over pidgeot and it will also serve as your flyer to make moving around the region easier.


Rock Throw

This mon will dominate the early game as its typing makes it useful against the first 2 gyms, walls the 3rd and counters the 4th gym with the ghastly line not having levitate in this game. Its a good psychical wall with a high psychical attack stat access to curse makes it even more psychically good. (P.S Graveler is still a decent Pokemon if you cant trade to evolve Golem just give it the same moveset as I have)


Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch

This is the DOOM Slayer of G/S/C as its coverage + psychic stab makes it almost impossible to counter as nothing in the game resists this coverage it can be fount as an abra not to late before the 3rd gym and can be easily taught the elemental punches by purchasing them in the Goldenrod Department Store keep using abra with the elemental punches and it will evolve into Kababra at level 16 gaining psychic stab. (P.S If you cant trade to get Alakazam its fine because same with the Graveler/Golem line Kababra is still decent just give it the same moveset as I have}


Thunder Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Wave

Your early game electric type, Ampharos is decently bulky with good offense and is easy to get, its a shame we cant get it before Falkner so we cant use its electric typing but at least we get it before Bugsy to kill his Scyther.


Thunder Wave
Lock On

If your playing Crystal you cant get the Mareep line outside of trading so this is a good alternative, Magneton has good defenses with a really good typing and high special attack stat. Using Lock On+Thunder is a good combo I highly recommend it for Crystal players because STAB-Thunder will destroy any Water or Flying types standing in your way


Ice Punch
Fire Punch

This is for Crystal players, Electabuzz is a really good electric type mon with high attack and special attack being able to be used as a mixed attacker and it's decently fast. (P.S Electabuzz can be only fount as an Elekid in Crystal in Gold/Silver you cant find one until the Kanto-Post game)

Have fun using this team :)

For a HM Slave I would recommend Psyduck or the guaranteed Shiny Gyarados you get at the Lake of Rage they are easy to get.
0 votes

Meganium Edition


Razor Leaf/Giga Drain/Solar Beam
Body Slam/Earthquake
Light Screen/Reflect
Sleep Powder

Some might class Meganium to be the "worst starter" for a Gen 2 as Grass is ineffective against the first two gyms and its type dosent do that great in general throughout the game especially the early stages, however stat wise its not that bad as its very bulky, good enough mixed offence and some good utility moves. A decent Pokemon overall, its a shame its typing and movepool isn't that great in these games.


Rock Throw/Rock Slide

One of the best in the game, hands down. Golem is a really solid Pokemon, great defense, good attack is slow and is 4x weak to Water and Grass with poor special defense but in the early game it dominates with the matchups and Rock/Ground isn't that bad in gen 2 compared to Ruby and Sapphire with those games having a lot of water routes but overall Golem is pretty solid with it dominating most of the early game and even the late game, also good to take out those annoying bird keepers.


Ice Beam
Body Slam/Confuse Ray/Sing

Lapras is really great when it comes to move pool, stats and typing with its part Ice-typing making it good against Clair and Lance, 2 of the most toughest boss fights in the game. Its very bulky and can take hits well and dish them out with its good mixed attacking stats along with being good against other boss fights with its wide-move pool. Its drawback is it being only fount in Union Cave on a Friday but get through those hoops and you will have a good, solid Water type to use.


Confuse Ray

An underrated Pokemon, and one of my favrioutes. Xatu is really solid being a great special attacker and having good speed with it having an interesting move-pool and being your flyer at the same time is beneficial, the massive drawback is not having the Psychic TM on it until the Kanto-Post Game, I would teach the Hidden Power TM on it until then and hope you get a good type. Overall, solid but overlooked Pokemon.


Thunder Punch/Thunderbolt
Fire Punch
Ice Punch

Electabuzz is really great. Good attack and high special attack with solid speed it has access to the Elemental Punches combined with its typing making it effective against some of the Water and Flying types through out the game along with some of Lances team (especially Gyarados) overall, good Pokemon


One of the best Pokemon in Gen 2, period. Machamp is outstanding with its monterous attack stat combined with its solid bulk it has an interesting movepool and its good against some of the most bulkiest Pokemon in the game what some boss trainers use, Machoke is still decent if you cant trade to get Machamp. I recommend this for anyone who wants an easier time against Whitney. (Note: Catch a Drowsee/Abra depending on the version your playing outside of GoldenRod City, head over to the Department Store and trade with someone who will give you a Machop for a Drowsee/Abra that will get boosted experience due to it being traded)


Magneton (This option is for Gold/Silver players)

Thunder Wave

Magneton is still great in gen 2, infact its has probably one of the best type combinations in the game with Electric/Steel making it resist a majority of the types in the game with it being a great special attacker. I chose Magneton over Ampharos because of its typing and its better utility although you will have to spend a lot of money at the Game Corner to get Thunder, its worth it. Overall, a good Pokemon and remains one of my favrouites.
