This for Red/Blue ONLY. My team is based on what's easily accessible, even if that means waiting until later in the game, and spreading the GOOD TMs as far as possible. I also picked up a Weedle which I evolved to Beedrill to have a HM Cut slave, and Pikachu for Thundershock/Thunder Wave. By only having 3 Pokemon by the time you get to Cerulean, your starter is almost definitely overleveled. My Ivysaur was level 20 before the rival battle just before the Cerulean Cape. I did pick up my Ground type early, thanks to a glitch, but I'd recommend Dugtrio (Level 29, can be obtained quickly by skipping some of the Cerulean Cape trainers, Misty's gym and a few trainers between Cerulean and Vermilion while you go get it, and them return to Cerulean to pick up where you left off). Less active Pokemon, means less grinding and higher levels, which makes beating Misty a cinch.
My team's levels as of entering Cerulean the first time:
This is the team I've planned for the Elite 4, and as such isn't fine tuned. I'm still mid game, with my team about Level 30; however, most of them have learned most of their final moves by now.
Pikachu/Beedrill/Kadabra (Used these three only until Celadon, using them as needed for typing. Picked Pikachu and Beedrill up in Viridian Forest, and picked up Kadabra as an Abra (north of Cerulean).
I used them until I got to Celadon, then I skipped ahead from Rock Tunnel, while skipping every trainer I could. This was so I could go back to Rock Tunnel after getting Eevee in Celadon (and evolving it into Jolteon). Kadabra is one of your two main special sweepers, unless you use the Mew Glitch, which I did. I'll leave sets for both.

Venusaur: Status Monster
- Mega Drain / Razor Leaf
- Leech Seed
- Toxic (TM) / Sleep Powder
- Substitute (TM) / Growth
Ideally, put the foe to sleep, or go for bulk via the infamous Leech Seed/Toxic combo (Leech Seed takes more HP away, and thus gives Venusaur more HP, if the foe is badly poisoned), or sleep and boost. My reason for picking Bulbasaur is simple: I saved my Water type slot for a far better Water type than Blastoise, and Charizard, while incredibly cool looking, doesn't learn Fly or any strong Fire attack until late game. AND with it being so underwhelming against the first two Gyms, no thanks.

Rhydon: Physical Sweeper
- Earthquake (TM)
- Rock Slide (TM)
- Dig
- Body Slam / Horn Drill
Mainly used for sweeping, because it's bulky and has dual STAB. Dig for early game utility. Body Slam is a TM and Lapras learns it naturally, meaning you can save it for this. You can either grab a Rhyhorn around level 25-28 in Safari Zone, or use the Trainer Fly/Teleport Glitch to obtain a level 7 Rhyhorn in the Cerulean Cape.

Dodrio: Physical Sweeper
- Hyper Beam
- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Tri Attack
Self explanatory. STAB, and one of the few Pokemon to actually learn Tri Attack. You don't really need a Flying type early game. You can skip Erika temporarily, to go down Cycling Road, and pick up a Doduo.

Lapras: Mixed Tank
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam
- Sing
Sing for sleep, Surf and Ice Beam for STAB. These make it a better Water type than any other in Gen 1, as STAB Ice Beam thumps Lance. Body Slam is for paralysis. You get it from a glitch in Cerulean Cape, or via the in game battle with your rival in Silph Tower in Saffron, via a guy standing just to the left of your rival. Its only Level 16, but well worth the effort.

Jolteon: Special
- Thunderbolt (TM)
- Double Kick
- Pin Missile / Quick Attack
- Thunder Wave / Agility / Flash
Mainly used to sweep, but it has support options. Can be picked up and evolved at Level 25, and if you skip ahead as I did, the rest of your party should be level 20ish or more if you grind. If you saved your TM24, it makes Jolteon a strong choice. Based on the crit rate being related to Speed in Gen 1, Thunder Wave and Agility are very good level-up moves, meaning you can save TM45 for a different Pokemon.

Kadabra / Alakazam: Special Sweeper
- Psychic
- Seismic Toss / Amnesia / Thunder Wave
- Reflect
- Recover
Alakazam if you can trade, Kadabra if you can't trade, and don't want Mew (for some unknown reason). Kadabra is still fairly strong in Gen 1, seeing as there's no GOOD Dark/Bug/Ghost moves.
If you're dead set against glitches, use Dugtrio instead of Rhydon.

Dugtrio: Sweeper
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Slash
- Sand Attack / Substitute / Dig
Mew Glitch/Trainer Fly Glitch can be found here:
Video Description also provides a map of what Pokemon you encounter via the glitch by battling a specific trainer, or by battling one of a trainer's multiple Pokemon.
If a trainer has more then one Pokemon, than you have to intentionally faint against whatever Pokemon gives you the desired encounter, meaning you can get infinite encounters, if you choose.