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What are the best locations for getting Effort Values in Attack?

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11 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

R/S/E: Route 102/117/Petalburg City. All locations have a 100% chance of fishing a Corphish when using super rod. If playing Sapphire or Emerald, Mt. Pyre floors 1-3 have guaranteed Shuppet spawns.

FR/LG: Mt Moon B1F. 100% Paras spawns.

D/P/Pt: Twinleaf Town. Super Rod fishing in lake nets only Seaking and Gyarados, 2evs each.

HG/SS: Route 42. Surfing only yields Goldeen and Seaking.

B/W: Dragonspiral Tower Interior. All encounters give Atk evs.

B2/W2: Dragonspiral Tower Interior/ Route 4. Tower is the same as above, just higher level. Route 4 has Sandile, Scraggy, and Darumaka making up 75% of the encounters.

X/Y: Route 20/14. Both have 60% Weepinbell/Bellsprout Horde encounters while also having 5% Arbok/Evans encounters.

OR/AS: Mt. Pyre. 100% Shuppet Horde encounters.

S/M/US/UM: Route 1. SoS chain Pikipek or Yungoos for double evs per defeated mon.

Sw/Sh: Route 8. Pawniard, Gurdurr, and Golett are over half the spawns.

S/V South Province Area 3. Shinx and Yungoos spawn in abundance between the Pokémon Center and Mesagoza. Further down Growlithe spawns occasionally as well. Can use a sandwich to Increase encounter odds.

Hope this helps.

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13 votes


At Twinleaf Town, the super rod always hooks either Gyarados or Seaking, both of which give 2 EVs.
At the top end of Route 210 (east of Celestic Town), you'll find Bibarel (2 EVs), Machop (1 EV), Machoke (2 EVs) and Scyther (1 EV). You can also get Bagon (1 EV) with the PokeRadar and Zangoose (2 EVs) with Ruby in the GBA slot.


Surf on Route 42 to find Goldeen (1 EV) and Seaking (2 EVs).

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A better place in DPPt is super rod at Twinleaf Town. It's always either Gyarados or Seaking, both of which give 2 physical attack EVs.
10 votes

Black / White:

Lillipup 1 EV
Patrat 1 EV
Audino 2 HP EVs (shaking grass)

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Black/White also Icirrus City, grass fields. Lots of Attack and the occasional Deerling (speed). Beware of winter, where you will meet Vanillish also.
What about black/white2?
look at the bottom of this page
5 votes

Well, in my SS, I LUCKILY Got the Pokerus and trained my Sceptile to have excellent attack on wild Seakings in the water in Mt. Silver. My Sceptiles' attack goes up 4 points every lvl which is awesome. So if you have the pokerus in any of your games, you could trade or migrate them and get double the evs to get extra strong stats!

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4 votes

Go slightly north from Orburgh and the first patch of grass has a whole bunch of machop.

1 vote

the grassy areas right before pinwheel forest.
Pidove-1 ev
Timburr-1 ev
Sawk-2 evs

1 vote

Black/White 2 - Attack spots

Dragonspiral Tower 1F - Mienshao (2 EVs), Druddigon (2 EVs), Golurk (2 EVs).

Victory Road 1F/3F - Banette (2 EVs), Golurk (2 EVs).

N's Castle - Druddigon (2 EVs), Zweilous (2 EVs), Excadrill (2 EVs) in dust clouds. Avoid Onix (dust clouds).

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1 vote

RSE locations

Walking at Mt. Pyre 1F-3F: Shuppet (1 EV) (doesn't work in Ruby)
Super Rod at Petalburg City: Corphish (1 EV)
Super Rod at Route 118: Carvanha (1 EV), Sharpedo (2 EVs)

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0 votes

Many battles with vs seeker in One Island before Mt Ember (the trainers have machokes,machamps and primeapes)

0 votes

Black 2/White 2/Black/White:
Normal grass (non shaking) just outside Dragonspiral tower.
Druddigon,Mienshao, Sawsbuck, Tranquill
All give 2 attack EV. If not winter then these are the only Pokemons you will encounter.
Diamond and Pearl:
There are no areas with only attack EV rewarding Pokemon.
But best area is route 212.
Kricketune, Bidarel-2 each. There appearance rate is significantly higher than the other Pokemons in the area.

Of course there are areas with only attack EV rewarding Pokemon. Twinleaf Town had only Gyarados and Seaking if you use a super rod.
0 votes

Scarlet and Violet
Asado Desert (Desert, Walking, Overworld):

Sandile 1 ev:
Has 50% chance to spawn.
Krokorok 2 ev
Has 9% chance to spawn.

Rufflet 1 ev:
Has 36% chance to spawn.

Capsakid 1 ev:
Has 22% chance to spawn.
Scovillain 2 ev
Has 1% chance to spawn.

It's very flat in Asado Desert which makes it easier to find Pokémon. Rufflet also spawn in big groups.

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