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I have a swellow and am wondering what the power of facade is.

So guts+STAB+burn.

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Oh my...

Like like like.....

you think that's good, give that move/combo to Ursaring: highest attack stat for normal Pokémon that can have guts: 130 versus Swellow's 85
Ursaring does have higher attack ,but swellow is faster and takes normal damage from fighting type moves like mach punch. Although swellows defense isn't the best.
I have been testing swellow and have found out it takes alot of work to keep it alive even 1 turn.

So bad defeance.

But ursering does have the priorty problem.
I'm pretty sure it isn't that hard to keep it alive 1 turn. -_-

2 Answers

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Best answer

70 (Facade's base power) x 1.5 (Guts boost) x 1.5 (STAB) x 2 (Facade double power) = 315 base power.

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3 votes

Guts directly boosts the Pokemon's attack stat, not power.
STAB directly boosts damage, not power.
So the correct answer is 140 because that is facade's power when the user is burned.

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