Well I guess so... Super Training/ Pokemon Regimens or whatever they are can boost all Pokemon stats (Attack, Defense, Speed, Sp. Def and Sp. Ack), depending on what level they are on; 1, 2 or 3. Hidden Regimens offer the highest amout of stat increasment, due to they are only avalible when the green-ish bar on the Boxing SuperTraining is full. On the other hand, the Boxing Super Training, they only increase stats a little, still depending on what level they are, but in this case, letters they are. As soon as my shiny Shinx hatched, I went crazy in joy and filled its Super Training asap. It hatched with I think 21hp, I finished with 102hp (at a level 1 o-o) and alot of speed.
Sorry that this is kinda long, and hope I helped. :)