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2 votes

Again, considering secondary effects, power and accuracy.
EDIT:Please note for both Physical and Special.

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Moves that has infinite accuracy (Such as Aerial Ace) are optimistic!
Never, due to evasion moves being banned in most tiers.
What're you saying, man? I said about moves that will always hit!
In-game, even Iron Tail and Dragon Rush work. Competitively they are bad, and you didn't told in-game @Alphacelestius
What do you mean Alpha? Infinite accuracy moves are only viable if opponent always uses evasion increasing moves or accuracy lowering moves, which are banned in most tiers.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Okay, here goes nothing... This is for Black and White.

Normal: Best Physical is Body Slam (85 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to paralyze). Best Special is Tri Attack (80 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to paralyze/burn/freeze).

Fire: Best Physical is Fire Punch (75 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to burn). Best Special is Flamethrower (95 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to burn).

Water: Best Physical is Waterfall (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to flinch). Best Special is Scald (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to burn).

Electric: Best Physical is ThunderPunch (75 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance for paralysis). Best Special is Thunderbolt (95 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance for paralysis).

Grass: Best Physical is Leaf Blade (90 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, high critical hit ratio). Best
Special is Energy Ball (80 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to lower Sp. Def.).

Ice: Best Physical is Ice Punch (75 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to freeze). Best Special is Ice Beam (95 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to freeze).

Fighting: Best Physical is Brick Break (75 power, 100 accuracy, 30 PP, destroys Reflect and/or Light Screen). Best Special is Aura Sphere (90 power, infinite accuracy, 20 PP, no aftereffect).

Poison: Best Physical is Poison Jab (80 power, 100 accuracy, 20 PP, chance to poison). Best
Special is Sludge Bomb (90 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to poison). Some people might think that Sludge Wave is a better choice, but Sludge Bomb has a higher chance to poison. And that adds up.

Ground: Best Physical is Earthquake (100 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, no aftereffects). Best Special is Earth Power (90 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to lower Sp. Def.).

Flying: Best Physical is Acrobatics. Yes, on the move page it says 55 power, but if you're not holding an item, or you're holding a Flying Gem... Ouch. Consistent 110 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, no aftereffect. Best Special is Air Slash (75 power, 95 accuracy, 20 PP, chance to flinch).

Psychic: Best Physical is Psycho Cut (70 power, 100 power, 20 PP, high critical hit ratio). Best Special is Psychic (90 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to lower Sp. Def.).

Bug: Best Physical is Steamroller (65 power, 100 accuracy, 20 PP, chance to flinch). Some may argue about this, but if you get lucky, you can get some free damage with the flinch. It also has an aftereffect, which is more than X-Scissor and Megahorn can say. Best Special is Bug Buzz (90 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to lower Sp. Def.).

Rock: Best Physical is Rock Slide (75 power, 90 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to flinch). Best Special is Power Gem (70 power, 100 accuracy, 20 PP, no aftereffect).
Ghost: Best Physical is Shadow Claw (70 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, high critical hit ratio). Best Special is Shadow Ball (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to lower Sp. Def.).

Dragon: Best Physical is Dragon Claw (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, no aftereffect). Best Special is Dragon Pulse (90 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, no aftereffect).

Dark: Best Physical is Crunch (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to lower Def.). Best Special is Dark Pulse (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to flinch).

Steel: Best Physical is Iron Head (80 power, 100 accuracy, 15 PP, chance to flinch). Best Special is Flash Cannon (80 power, 100 accuracy, 10 PP, chance to lower Sp. Atk or Sp. Def.

Sorry for the really long answer. This is just what I think; there isn’t necessarily a right answer. I hope this helps! I got all the information from here: http://pokemondb.net/move/all

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Brick Break has 15PP...
Really? Because on the move page it says 30 PP.
I thought overheat and blaze kick were the.....
Optimistic, counting accuracy factor and durability, which both of the moves you named don't have.
oh this was the duplicate...i'll hide my question
0 votes

since the physical and special have been done and well. i'll give the best status
normal-shell smash,turns anyone into an instant sweeper
fire-sunnyday,with this and solarbeam fire types have no weaknesses
water-aquaring,most water types have alot of hp(vaporeon):)
electric-magnetrise,covers a electrics only weakness
grass-spore,what can i say any one who can use spore will use it
ice-hail,sp def boost and perfect acc blizzard
ground-spikes,not much to choose from but still a very usefull move
flying-tailwind,great setup for your team like switching in BLAZIKEN
psychic-trick room,whole teams are made of this move turns a tank into sweeper with one move
bug-quiver dance,imo the dragon dance for sp atk
dragon-dragon dance,the only one to pick but still great
ghost-confuse ray,great move to stall
dark-taunt,if the opponet isn't carefull they will struggle or switch
steel-iron defence,def boost
fighting-bulk up,not much to puck from but good setup
poison-toxic,the best move for any wall

Yes, thanks for doing the status moves for me. I was too lazy to do them myself... However, I would think that Will-O-Wisp is used over Sunny Day, because the only time someone will use Solarbeam is on a Sun Team, on which sun has already been set up by a Vulpix or Ninetales or some other Drought Pokemon.
think about when typhlosion uses sunny day solar beam for coverage then a flamethrower boost alot of pokemon can use this and it covers all weaknesses.that said i am more a fan of sweepers than wall and tanks so that might be why i picked it over will-o-wisp :D
Ah, now I understand.
no rock type -3-