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I want to know what Pokemon can learn all Pokemon types excluding Mew, Smeargle, Arceus, hidden power and any Pokemon that can transform or change types.
(Any gen)

Mod note: This question is asking for Pokemon that can learn at least one move of each type! Read carefully before posting an answer. Do not guess the answer! I have decided this question is not a duplicate of this post, because that one is simply a yes/no question.

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Snorlax can do all but flying
Fail Meep, are you making for only attacking moves, or are you including status?
Conspiracy theory: Next gen, snorlax will learn bounce
When it lands Pokémon would be brutally crushed
Haha, lets abuse some magbies and pichus

1 Answer

7 votes
Best answer

Depending on the generations, there are some Pokemon that can learn one move of each type. Please note that in Generations 2-5, Fairy Type moves didn't exist yet.


In Generation 4 games Platinum and HGSS, Kangaskhan can learn one move of each type.
Normal: Endeavor
Fire: Fire Punch
Water: Aqua Tail
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Solarbeam
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Brick Break
Poison: Toxic
Ground: Earthquake
Flying: Aerial Ace
Psychic: Rest
Rock: Rock Tomb
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Sucker Punch
Steel: Iron Tail


Gen: 4
Games: HGSS and Platinum
Normal: Headbutt
Fire: Flamethrower
Water: Water Pulse
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Solarbeam
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Brick Break
Poison: Toxic
Ground: Earthquake
Flying: Aerial Ace
Psychic: Rest
Bug: Fury Cutter
Rock: Stone Edge
Ghost: Shadow Claw
Dragon: Outrage
Dark: Dark Pulse
Steel: Iron Head


Gen: 4
Games: HGSS and Platinum
Normal: Extremespeed
Fire: Flamethrower
Water: Aqua Tail
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Solarbeam
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Brick Break
Poison: Toxic
Ground: Earthquake
Flying: Fly
Psychic: Rest
Bug: Fury Cutter
Rock: Stone Edge
Ghost: Shadow Claw
Dragon: Draco Meteor
Dark: Crunch
Steel: Iron Head


Gen: 4
Games: HGSS and Plt.
Normal: Swift
Fire: Will-o-Wisp
Water: Aqua Tail
Electric: Charge Beam
Grass: Energy Ball
Ice: Icy Wind
Fighting: Aura Sphere
Poison: Toxic
Ground: Earthquake
Flying: Aerial Ace
Psychic: Psychic
Bug: Silver Wind
Rock: Ancientpower
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Dragon Pulse
Dark: Dark Pulse
Steel: Iron Tail


Gen: 7
Games: USUM
Normal: Hyper Voice
Fire: Flamethrower
Water: Surf
Electric: Thunderbolt
Grass: Grass Knot
Ice: Ice Beam
Fighting: Superpower
Poison: Toxic
Ground: Earthquake
Flying: Fly
Psychic: Extrasensory
Bug: Signal Beam
Rock: Rock Slide
Ghost: Shadow Ball
Dragon: Dragon Pulse
Dark: Snarl
Steel: Steel Wing
Fairy: Play Rough

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Generation: 4 to 7
Normal: wish
Fire: sunny day
Water: rain dance
Electric: thunderbolt
Grass: energy ball
Ice: ice punch
Fighting: drain punch
Poison: toxic
Ground: mud-slap (only in gen 4)
Flying: aerial ace
Psychic: confusion
Bug: U-turn
Rock: sandstorm
Ghost: shadow ball
Dragon: draco meteor (only in gens 4 and 5 events)
Dark: fling
Steel: doom desire
Fairy: dazzling gleam (only in gens 6 and 7)
I'm pretty sure Jirachi is the only Pokemon that requires transferring from an earlier generation to gens 6 or 7, but you might have missed some Pokemon that require transferring among gens 3, 4, or 5, or transferring from an earlier generation to gen 8. How are you sure that you didn't miss anything?