Alright, here we go on a jounrey for breeding. :D
First off, you will want to find a Pokemon that is adamant and is in the same egg group as Hitmontop is(Human-like).
What you want to do it give that Pokemon an Everstone and have it breed with the Hitmontop. From BW2 onward, the nature of the parent holding the Everstone is always passed down.
Consider this first step done. :D
Next, the ability.
>Starting in Black 2 and White 2, there is an 80% chance that the Ability slot of the female will be passed to the baby.
Since Technician isn't a HA for Hitmontop, just any female that doesn't have its HA will do and you will get Technician 80% of the time.
All that's left are the moves. Almost there. :]
>If the father or (starting in Generation VI) the mother knows any specific Egg moves that the baby can learn, the baby will inherit the move. If the parents both know different Egg moves, the father's Egg moves are passed on first, then followed by the mother's.
Since this is gen V you will want the father to know that move and not the mother.
Hitmontop can get Bullet punch by breeding with Hitmonchan and can learn HJK by breeding with Hitmonlee.

Hope I helped.