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Example: Cynthia's Milotic has mirror coat. Please tell me what trainer has the Pokemon with the egg move, the Pokemon with the egg move, and the egg move the Pokemon has. Thanks in advance!

If I answer at all, it will be just one region. Pls spare me lol
Why do you need to know? I can do this, but like hell do I want to >.>
Jojo is taking Johto, Hoenn, Sevii Islands
I has Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos
Scraf, you troll
Shun yourself
:[    .

2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

bwother and I are doing a combined answer, since it lets us be a little lazier and gets this thing answered c;


Milotic (Cynthia) - Mirror Coat
Hippowdon (Bertha) - Curse
Golem (Roark, PWT) - Curse
Relicanth (Roark, PWT)- Amnesia
Medicham (Maylene, PWT) - Bullet Punch
Gastrodon (Crasher Wake, PWT) - Stockpile
Quagsire (Crasher Wake, PWT) - Curse
Drifblim (Fantina, PWT) - Tailwind (Only in Gen6)
Glaceon (Candice, PWT) - Yawn
Glalie (Candice, PWT) - Rollout


Simisage (Cilan, PWT) - Tickle
Simisear (Chili, PWT) - Low Kick
Camerupt (Chili, PWT) - Stockpile
Clefable (Lenora, PWT) - Wish
Escavalier (Burgh, PWT) - Megahorn
Accelgor (Burgh, PWT) - Spikes and Guard Split
Zebstrika (Elesa, PWT) - Me First
Galvantula (Elesa, PWT) - Disable
Stunfisk (Elesa, PWT) - Earth Power
Excadrill (Clay, PWT) - Submission
Seismitoad (Clay, PWT) - Earth Power
Unfezant (Skyla, PWT) - Hypnosis
Weavile (Bryce, PWT) - Ice Shard
Dewgong (Bryce, PWT) - Signal Beam, Stockpile
Walrein (Bryce, PWT) - Yawn
Druddigon (Drayden, PWT) - Fire Punch, Sucker Punch
Flygon (Drayden, PWT) - Earth Power
Salamence (Drayden, PWT) - Dragon Rush
Cinccino (Cheren, PWT) - Tail Whip
Lopunny (Cheren, PWT) - Ice Punch
Scolipede (Roxie, PWT) - Toxic Spikes
Garbordor (Roxie, PWT) - Rock Blast
Crobat (Roxie, PWT) - Brave Bird
Drapion (Roxie, PWT) - Night Slash
Jellicent (Marlon, PWT) - Recover, Acid Armor
Alomomola (Marlon, PWT) - Mirror Coat
Mantine (Marlon, PWT) - Signal Beam, Hydro Pump
Wailord (Marlon, PWT) - Aqua Ring
Toxicroak (Binaca, PWT) - Fake Out, Bullet Punch
Abomasnow (Binaca, PWT) - Leech Seed
Conkeldurr (Alder, PWT) - Mach Punch


Talonflame (Malva, Battle Chateau) - Tailwind (It can be obtained without and with breeding)
Clawitzer (Siebold, Battle Chateau) - Aqua Jet and Crabhammer (Can be obtained with and without breeding)
Noivern (Drasna, Battle Chateau) - Tailwind

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8 votes

Me and bwother are doing combined answer, since the whole point of this question is that it gets answered.


Gym leaders

  • In the PWT (Johto Leaders) Falkner's Pidgeot had the egg move: Brave Bird
  • In the PWT (Type Expert / World Leaders) Morty's Banette had the egg move: Gunk Shot
  • In the PWT (Jotho leaders / Type Expert / World Leaders) Chuck's Hitmontop had the egg move: Bullet Punch
  • In the PWT (Johto Leaders / Type Expert / World Leaders) Pryce's Cloyster had the egg move: Rock Blast
  • In the PWT (Type Expert / World leaders) Pryce's Mamoswine had the egg move: Icicle Spear
  • In the PWT (Johto Leaders) Clair's Salamence had the egg move: Hydro Pump

Elite Four and champion

  • In Pokemon Soul Silver, Koga's Ariados had the egg move: Baton Pass
  • In Pokemon Soul Silver, Karen's Honckrow had the egg move: Whirlwind


Gym leaders

  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Roxanne's Cradily had the possible egg move: Stealth Rock
  • In the PWT (Type Expert / World Leaders) Roxanne's Aggron had the egg move: Head Smash
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Brawly's Hariyama had the egg move: Bullet Punch
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Norman's Spinda had the egg move: Assist
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Norman's Kecleon had the egg move: Recover
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Norman's Castform had the egg move: Disable
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Winona's Honchkrow had the egg move: Brave Bird
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Winona's Tropius had the egg move: Curse
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Liza's Gardevoir had the egg move: Disable
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Juan's Crawdaunt had the egg move: Dragon Dance
  • In the PWT (Hoenn Leaders) Juan's Whiscash had the egg move: Dragon Dance
  • In the PWT (Type Expert / World Leaders) Juan's Whiscash had the eggmove: Spark

Elite four and champion

  • In the PWT (Champions) Steven Stone's Aggron had the egg move: Head Smash

  • In the PWT (Champions) Steven Stone's Archeops had the egg move: Head Smash

Sevii Islands

none of the trainers on the sevii islands have a Pokemon with an egg move


none of the other trainers in the PWT have a Pokemon with an egg move
I will add other trainers from the PWT

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