I really want to start a dog team so I want to know, what are all the dog Pokemon in all generations?
Vulpix Ninetales Growlithe Arcanine Jolteon (Debatable by some) Flareon (Debatable by some) Umbreon (Debatable by some) Snubbull Granbull Houndour Houndoom Smeargle Entei Suicune Poochyena Mightyena Electrike Manectric Absol (Debatable by some) Lillipup Herdier Stoutland Zorua Zoroark Fennekin Braixen Delphox Furfrou Rockruff Lycanroc Type: Null (Debatable) Silvally (Debatable) Nicket Thievul Yamper Boltund Zacian Zamazenta Greavard Houndstone Fidough Dachsbun Maschiff Mabosstiff
Let me know when this needs updating.